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  1. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    Yeah well put! I really didn't wanna get into mixing nutrients all that much because I rarely do it just try new thing every once in a while to see if it works better. If it doesn't I go back to the regular thing I was doing. Yes that was the main idea of this whole thing trying to find a good...
  2. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    Yeah I use that also that is what one of the containers I showed ya'll is. But the roots you seen is when I 1st put them in the system from the little hydroponics. The roots were insane before I abandon them LoL. I put them in the green house then found some leeches out the and didn't go back...
  3. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    No like I told you before LoL . I used to grow many other plants so that is stuff I have left over. LoL I would never had bought all those just to tweak stuff that is insane. All I have really needed to use is just one of the nute line and the liquid seaweed and that is about it. Then every...
  4. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    Yeah Jeff H, I know what you mean it is a migrane thinking about all the different types and possibilities of nutrients and combinations there are. I do have a question though. What are the 2 types of nutrient lines did you use? :party: Ok here is all the nutrients I use. These are most of...
  5. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    Thanks for the apology but don't worry about it. Negative can only help us reach the positive. I see what you mean about all of this, I think everyone might have took it the wrong way, or I wrote it wrong LoL. But I really do see what you mean. The main thing I was wondering about is...
  6. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    That is great to know! They do seem to flower just automatically. Once you see them doing the Y split then you know flowers are soon to come. I will try the only bloom formula on some of mine and see how it works! Thanks. No actually for me I have been growing plants since I was 6 and...
  7. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    I see what you mean on that but I get what he means too. It is a buffer but I believe it is a slower release then just using adjusted ph water. But then the problem with adjusted ph water is buffers adjust it back out. The PromixBx soil-less growing medium has ph adjusting stuff in it that keeps...
  8. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    Well I will take a picture of it later have to make space on my phone . Then I will post it but it is a certain series of their grow mutes that is supposed to keep the ph calibrated in a good range but it is a 3 part nute. So sometimes I leave out one maybe bloom and might add my technaflora...
  9. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    Nice man great to know!! Thanks. I will post the different nutes I have and then maybe we can turn this into a testing log. I will test different ones normal strength then mix and match and see what happens. Others can do the same as well! But I like your input so far! :dance: But see I was...
  10. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    Thanks man good to know, so do you grow just hydroponics or soil also? Yeah I had checked and the N-P-K ratio of that Maxibloom and it is 5-15-14 . But do you also use the Maxigrow which is 10-5-14 ..?
  11. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    Yeah I know what you mean but that is why it is best for everyone to join in. Then it will give people a general guide to go on. Like you said you follow the label after you got your new nutes, but see if you let us know what mutes and just like when they are small you use what the label says or...
  12. S

    fertilizer-nutrients Nutrient ratios and mixing and matching nutrients.

    I have been waiting to see someone come out with a topic like this with no luck. I mainly wanted to get into what the best ratio is at certain times of the growing cycles, then the PPM or EC. So in this topic I want to let all noobies and experienced grows know what we all want to know. These...
  13. S

    Do not know what these 2 peppers are! Let me know!

    Ok I was gonna try and post the pictures from that site but I think they are copyrighted and so I believe I can't!! But here is the link ! Mine is more of a lighter red like the Bih Jolokia and the pod shapes all vary in the same odd...
  14. S

    Do not know what these 2 peppers are! Let me know!

    Oh I see I didn't even metion this one in the list sorry ya'll ! But that was my Ghost pepper I got seeds from but yeah that Naga looking one I really am not sure what it could be I thought a Naga Mourich, only because I seen my Bhut and thought the Bih should look just like it but i will show...
  15. S

    Do not know what these 2 peppers are! Let me know!

    Well see I got mine last year so I forgot .. I believe just scotch bonnet only! Yeah those are basically how mine look but the other one is maybe a Bih Jolokia or a Naga Mourich
  16. S

    Do not know what these 2 peppers are! Let me know!

    Well all my seeds came from the hippy seed company and if you look at his morouga in the video and how he says it ripens mine looks and is doing the same thing but he doesn't really speak about how the scotch bonnet ripens !!? So it is really a tough one and my bhut jolokia on that liist is from...
  17. S

    Do not know what these 2 peppers are! Let me know!

    Could this on possibly be a Morouga Red or Scotch Bonnet??
  18. S

    Do not know what these 2 peppers are! Let me know!

    Could this be a Naga Mourich ya'll? This is the charts i have so far!
  19. S

    Do not know what these 2 peppers are! Let me know!

    Isn't a Fatali more yellowish red this one came out red but a lil bit lighter!?? Here is some other pictures of the other pods on the same plant! I broke the spike off messing with it everyday on accident!
  20. S

    Do not know what these 2 peppers are! Let me know!

    Hey WalkGood I just really send your message and yeah I know you mean! About it driving you crazy yeah I have been waiting so patiently but am ready to just try it now!! But the whole thing is I am more of a breeder and don't know what I mixed none of them with and will have to grow them out and...