Search results

  1. ArachnoVobicA

    The Frankonian Chili Dude!!!

    Hiho, here I will post some pics of my plants, seedlings and so on. But firstly my chilicount^^ Capsicum annuum: - Birdeye (Thailand) - Bishops Crown (Barbados) - Black Pearl (America) - Bolivian Rainbow (Bolivia) - Cabai Chili Tree (Malaysia) - Joe´s long Cayenne (Italy) Capsicum baccatum: -...
  2. ArachnoVobicA

    Greetings from Germany

    Hiho, my name is Micha and Im located in Frankonia/Germany. Im 28 years old and m growing some chili in our living room. After some renovation which are going down currently, we finally have a french window and my plants plenty of south side light and warmth. Cause in Germany the weather isnt...