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  1. seaman

    why don't you sprout?

    Hi my red rocoto seeds are really slow to germinate. It's been 20 days since I left them on a wet tissue in the germbox and none of them has sprouted... What do you suggest me to do? Temperatures of the germbox are always between 85 and 95° F. Many other varieties have sprouted without any...
  2. seaman

    Marino's 2012 Grow Log

    Hi everybody! I think I'm gonna start with sowing at the beginning of March 2012. The seeds are all stored in my seeds book, but I'm having short time till the end of February; moreover I'm not gonna use any lightbox, so I'll grow indoor till the outside temperature is rising again in Southern...
  3. seaman

    A question for Aussies

    In my 2011 first growing experience I came across this variety Uploaded with I received the seeds from the member of an Italian chilli community, who called it with the unspecific name "Australian Pepper"... since I haven't found this variety anywhere on the web, I was...
  4. seaman

    baccatum Baccatum x Annuum

    Is there anybody who has tried to crossbreed varieties of these 2 different species? Pure curiosity.
  5. seaman

    New growing list

    Hi, here's my new growing list for the new year: CHINENSE: habanero orange habanero chocolate habanero red savina habanero white trinidad scorpion morouga blend trinidad douglah 7 pod red cumari do parĂ  bih jolokia chocolate bhut jolokia fatalii naga morich pimenta da neyde chupetino ANNUUM...
  6. seaman

    Hi everybody!

    Hi guys! My name is Marino, I'm from Naples, Southern Italy. My passion with these nice firebombs started in March 2011, when I decided to grow my first chilli plants, having some seeds taken from two commercial italian varieties. But... my knowledge of the web brought me on an Italian...