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  1. D

    hot sauce

    Hi , thanks for the response in my copacker question. To be honest i would rather not use a copacker starting off. I noticed in one of the links you sent me you posted that you got started for less than $500. You mentioned $50 for that food liability insurance? Did this budget...
  2. D

    misc Co Packer Cost??

    thanks for the replies! I would rather start off small...personally canning what i make and then sell it. I guess my question would be if i package it myself what steps should i take...i have read about food liability insurance, labels, PH testing ( i have no idea where to get this done)...
  3. D

    misc Co Packer Cost??

    Hi, I am seriously thinking about trying to market my salsa like so many others have done. I am located in East Texas and @ this point all i have is a name and a good recipe (i like it!). Can anybody give me a "ballpark" of what it costs to get a salsa recipe bottled. I could get the label...