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  1. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    You are so welcome. I hope they arrived fresh as can be expected. Let me know what you think of each one.
  2. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    The ones you mentioned here sound good I'm not growing those. Take a look at the list in the very first part of my GLOG and let me know what you want, I have plenty of everything.
  3. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    So far I have only been dicing them up and putting them on my meals at lunch and dinner. I haven't worked up to eating one whole yet. Although, I can tell that my tolerance is slowly rising. I'm really fond of the Chocolate Bhut, 7Pod Yellow, and I had my first Butch T the other day. HOLY COW...
  4. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    Thanks Sanarda. I'd be willing to mail some to you to hold you over until yours ripen. I have MORE than enough. If you want, inbox me your address and I'll ship them to you.
  5. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    It's been forever since I have updated my GLOG. It's my first season growing super hots and I have had pretty good success with them. I have more peppers right now than I know what to do with. My plan is to freeze and can some of the. Mainly I intend to dry them and make chili powder out of...
  6. dvdpfstr

    Peppin' Ain't Easy..."3/5King's 2012"

    I have had the identical type of growth on some of my plants and came to believe it was broad mites. I bought a 60X-100X magnifying glass and could see the eggs on the underside of the leaves.
  7. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    A few more photo's. Scotch Bonnett Red Mourouga's Scotch Bonnett Yellow Dorset Naga Amish Bush Indian P-C1
  8. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    The Bih is just now starting to ripen. If it ripens first it may just be the first super hot I will eat. I also have several Amish Bush plants that Pepperlover sent me that are starting to ripen also. I am going to post some pictures in a little bit that has a photo of those.
  9. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    It's my first time growing super hots and I purchased all my seeds from All my Fatalli pods look the same though. I don't know.
  10. dvdpfstr

    Dvdpfstr's Glog

    It has been forever since I updated my GLOG but now that my summer school classes are finished, I finally have time to update and also include some photo's. I have battled what I believe to be a broad mite infestation on some of my plants while others haven't been affected at all. Even with the...
  11. dvdpfstr

    HELP! Very Curled Leaves on Aji Dulce/Trinidad Perfume

    I had to look through a microscope that had 60X-100X magnification before I was able to see the mites. Mostly what I saw were the eggs and you will find them on the bottom side of the leaves. The plants that I have that are affected look and are behaving the exact same way yours look and...
  12. dvdpfstr

    DANGIT !!! All this work and my plants looks "SICK" !

    Look on the bottom sides of the leaves with a microscope and you will see mite eggs. I used a 60X-100X scope and they were easily identifiable. Google broad mite damage and look at the image results and you will see numerous photos and info on broad mite damage on pepper and tomato plants that...
  13. dvdpfstr

    DANGIT !!! All this work and my plants looks "SICK" !

    Broad mites. They have attacked some of my plants and tomato plants also.
  14. dvdpfstr

    Please look at these plants and help me understand what happened.

    I have done a lot of research on broad mites since posting this thread and from what I am reading the potential outcome doesn't sound good. Almost everything I have read suggests alternating between Avid and Forbid insecticides other wise you are wasting your time. The downside to those options...
  15. dvdpfstr

    Please look at these plants and help me understand what happened.

    Thanks for the response. I haven't used any chemicals or herbicides and after what I have been reading about mites I am now 99% sure that is what I have going on. I'm glad Dr. Cres responded with the link to a picture because I have googled more pictures and they all look exactly like what my...
  16. dvdpfstr

    Please look at these plants and help me understand what happened.

    I appreciate the input. Would you trim the damaged growth off of the plant?
  17. dvdpfstr

    Please look at these plants and help me understand what happened.

    That picture looks exactly like my plants. What I have read since your response doesn't sound good if you have broad mites. Do you know of a specific spray that I should use?
  18. dvdpfstr

    Please look at these plants and help me understand what happened.

    About a week or two ago some of my plants developed this condition on their new growth where the leaves are incredibly shriveled up and have an almost leathery, tough feeling to them. The perplexing part to me is that the plants that have developed this condition have been treated exactly the...