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    indoor-growing Fluorescent Lights

    Hi The problem with fluorescents is that wilst excellent for staring off seedlings and getting them going for a short time. They soon dont provide enough light. With a larger plant the light penetration is just not good enough, unless used perhaps to supplement natural light from a window. If...
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    Dorset Naga or Naga Morich

    Hi Tony I would second that wholeheartedly All the best Guy
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    chinense Bhut Jolokia

    Hi Small plants that i have sent in the past were ok on arrival, after seven days. So I guess they should be OK....just need good packaging and a little humidity and they seem to put up with the postal services often less than tender care. All the best Guy
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    Dorset Naga or Naga Morich

    Hi Tony The Scorpion is from Trinidad unlike the Nagas, which are of Indian or Bangladeshi origin. I have had both and they are not the same plants or pods. I see no reason to add Naga to its name...They do share a bumpy texture which is by no means restricted to just these peppers. The 7 pod...
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    Habman's going Hydro!

    Hi I set this up earlier in the year buthave still to use thr wrong nutrients and live a long way from Toulouse where I had to go to replace it....anyway I have opted for an aeroponic system. Pretty basic this litle unit, but its intended to be a trial system for a bigger unit with a...
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    plant-i.d. Mystery Plant

    Hi Flex Its definately neither Mirasol or Twilight, the Mirasol has a different growth pattern and pod shape to those in the pic. The foliage is no indicator at all, there are just so many varieties out there that its impossible to make this sort of identification. Whatever it is it looks nice...
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    pubescens pubescent

    Hi Habman Most of mine were up in 7 to 10 days, using heating cables at a temp of 30°C. Guy
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    pubescens pubescent

    Hi Mark lovely they are!! Grew 14 vars of pubescens this year and still have a lot of ripe chiles on the plants outside even now. They are pretty easy to grow, as you say, just a little long to mature and suffer when it gets really hot...even so they preduce quite well for me, even though...
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    Brazilian pepper identification

    Hi Potawie Not very hot for a chinense, pretty seedy but quite nice smoked...but i try to remove most the seeds first. A shortish plant, branches heavily and very productive...look gorgeous too, quite a dark green foliage, small leaves and you get quite a good display of different colors from...
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    Brazilian pepper identification

    chupetinho that is...LOL Guy
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    Brazilian pepper identification

    Hi Mark - I have Chuoetinho, if you still want some seeds...mine had heat mind you but are the image of those above. All the best Guy
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    Dorset Naga or Naga Morich

    Hi again Hang on a moment...discovered almost a year. Thats just so funny!! Having eaten Naga currys before I left the UK in 1999 and buying them whilst living in Southall West London and Bradford well over ten years ago, I beg to differ! The fact is that the pods have been under peoples...
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    Dorset Naga or Naga Morich

    Hi I do not see how they can possibly legally claim any restrictions on this seed, it is not theirs to try to protect. Having myself supplied seeds of Nagas and other vars to them for free , through dave DeWitt, I am disgusted that they would attempt such a thing. In addition, no word of...
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    Last supper........?

    Hi Shropshire For me it would be Vietnamese Pork n Prawn Stew or Chicken and Beef Rendang..........Neither of which would need a sauce. Recipes for both can be found in Far Flung Floyd BTW. If there was no choice about the meal, then for a sauce I would go for a simple sauce...lime juice...
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    Dorset Naga or Naga Morich

    Hi BJS2006 - I would not wait until February to plant those seeds, they are very slow even for a hab, treat them more like the pubescens ............Mine are going in this weekend. All the best Guy
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    Are You Obsessed With Peppers/Sauces/Heat?

    No but I am a pathelogical liar! 93 vars and an unusally low 250 plants this year cos i moved house in june...oh well sowing 500 Scorpions, Chocolates and Nagas in Early December should get the ball rolling nicely for 2007. Long live the obsession. Guy
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    chinense Naga musings - Jolokia, Dorset, Morich etc

    Hey Mark The second one i tried was just the same.....ummmm. Oh well at least I have another set of pods forming on the TS. I may bring a plant indoors for some isolated pods (one plant is starting to flower again). Off for a few days hols tomorrow but i will be in touch with you soon m8. Got...
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    chinense Naga musings - Jolokia, Dorset, Morich etc

    Got a few Dorset Nagas in post today Slightly disappointing heat...Trinidad Scorpions hotter as are the Naga Morrich I have had in past...maybe i just bit into a dud . Guy
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    Dehrydating Peppers

    Temperature is very important. Personally I do not dehydrate any peppers at above 120 degrees, whether in the dehydrater or the less easily controlled stone oven. Keep it low and slow.. All the best Guy