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  1. D

    Don't know what is this

    Finally, some more pods are ripe on the same plant.
  2. D

    pod 2 plants, both supposedly Trinidad Scorpion

    Thank you all I got them at ebay... :confused:
  3. D

    pod 2 plants, both supposedly Trinidad Scorpion

    I have to 2 plants, both of them shoul'd be Scorpion, but pods are very different on these to plants. Plant No. 1 [/img] Plant No. 2 [/img] [/img]
  4. D

    Scorpio, yes or no? Help please

    Yes, I guess it is
  5. D

    Scorpio, yes or no? Help please

    I bought it on ebay as Trinidad Scorpio.
  6. D

    Scorpio, yes or no? Help please

    Is this a Scorpio?
  7. D

    Don't know what is this

    Thank you all! I'll try it and let you know if it's hot.
  8. D

    Don't know what is this

    Help me please! Don't know whati this pepper is