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  1. Orangello

    Leaf Question...

    haha! yeah, summer is only like 3 weeks here. I've seen it snow every month. That's the only reason I'm growing indoors (plus i live in an apt.). I run the lights 17 hours a day.
  2. Orangello

    Leaf Question...

    Thanks guys! Also, the leaves aren't yellow at all. They are just under a 400 watt high pressure soduim light along with a 400 watt metal halide. It makes them look like that in pictures. Hopefully I can get rid of the spider mites.
  3. Orangello

    Yet Another North Facing Balcony

    I agree! The t5's are amazing! I actually have one that I'm willing to part with if you're interested
  4. Orangello

    Leaf Question...

    well... i just took a piece of white paper and shook the leaves over it. 1 very tiny reddish bug landed on it. It jumped around and stuff on the paper. It was too small to take a picture of. Any idea what it might be??? I sprayed all of my plants with soap water. Hope this solves my problems
  5. Orangello

    Leaf Question...

    Hi everyone, I seem to be having trouble with my pepper plants. This is my first time growing so I freak out every time something seems wrong. Haha! The leaves on my 2 trinidad Scorpion BT's seem sick. Well mainly just the bottom ones.. I'm fairly certain that there are no bugs on them...
  6. Orangello

    Brain Strain!!!

    Or just start them in rock wool. I usually start them in soil, then once they sprout, wash it all off and transfer it to my dwc
  7. Orangello

    Women or chillis

    My girlfriend doesn't mind my peppers. We have a tiny apartment and i figured that she would be pissed when i put my 4x4 grow tent in our living room. Along with 2 other t5 lamps and an LED hanging from the ceiling... But she said she liked the tent. She was actually pretty mad at me when I...
  8. Orangello

    seeds Seedlings not looking too good after transplant, any suggestions?

    i would definitely lower the fluros back down. Especially since they are t8 bulbs. You could probably get away with that with some high output t5's though. Also if you think they're getting too hot, throw an oscillating fan on them. Not only will it cool them off/ add c02 and fresh air, it will...
  9. Orangello

    Women or chillis

    hmmm... is that even legal? just joking :D
  10. Orangello

    GA GH's garden picts & more

    Awesome pics! I hope to have a garden like that some day!
  11. Orangello

    New Grower (trinidad scorpion butch t)

    I decided against the bone meal. Thanks SanPatricio! once i smelled it, i figured that it probably wouldn't be too good in my apartment.
  12. Orangello

    Bigger pots

    Most of my plants are in 3 gallon smart pots and one is in a 5 gallon. The one in the 5 gallon seems to be doing quite a bit better than the others. I love the smart pots though. I'll probably stick with the 3 gallons though. Good luck!
  13. Orangello

    LED vs Florescent

    the t5 lamp is a hydrofarm 4' 4 bulb with 216 watts and the LED is a cheap eBay one that is 14 watts i believe.
  14. Orangello

    LED vs Florescent

    Yeah I saw that after I posted it. I thought I was in the grow tech section... then I couldn't move it. thanks... Also, do you ever post real things or just critique others on here? I don't mean any disrespect, but I have read a lot of posts where you posted and have yet to see a non-critique...
  15. Orangello

    New Grower (trinidad scorpion butch t)

    Alright i guess i'll just keep on doing what i'm doing for now. Until today, i was under the impression that you had to "make" the peppers bloom (nutrients, lighting, etc.) thanks for the help!
  16. Orangello

    fertilizer Fertilizer Help

    you can pick up a ppm meter for around $10 online. I never use foliar feeding at all. I've had terrible luck with that. Even with super small doses of superthrive... i just suck at it i guess. :P
  17. Orangello

    LED vs Florescent

    Thanks! I think I might also try some nutrient comparisons on these same peppers.
  18. Orangello

    LED vs Florescent

    Hi! Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a small experiment. I wanted to see what light setup was better for seedlings. I started off with 3 seedlings that all germinated the same day (all same plant from same strain). I transplanted these in small nursery pots with fox farm ocean...
  19. Orangello

    Calcium deficiency

    i use CaMag+ from genHydro. it's in their general organics line. seems to work pretty good. i'm new at all of this though
  20. Orangello

    seeds which of your peppers had the Fastest/slowest germination rates?

    the seeds were from a friend that has had them for 15 generations. They just happened to germinate very quickly. (i was surprised) well he/his dad have been growing the same ones for 15 seasons starting with only one seed. that's what i meant. these are from that plant