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  1. P

    Cayennes not hot!!!

    So where do you suggest I buy plants from?
  2. P

    Cayennes not hot!!!

    I bet I'm either over watering or the soil is holding to much water.
  3. P

    Cayennes not hot!!!

    The plants came from a big box store. They are suppost to be hot. I don't eat very many hot things do I should be able to detect the heat of a cayenne. As far as being stressed, I took very good care of them and watered normally every couple of days. I just think its very strange and wish I...
  4. P

    Cayennes not hot!!!

    What would make them sweet verse hot? I grew them in containers on the patio along with other hot pepper varieties. They look healthy and I picked them about a week after they turned red. Any explanation?