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  1. Z

    Black dots

    Thanks! I know where they came from... My Mom recently got basil plant, which I today inspected and found a few thrips on that plant, plus 90% of the plant is destroyed (first time when I saw it, it was really healthy plant, amazing how these buggers destroy it). Cut leaves on my pepper, and...
  2. Z

    Black dots

    Today on one of my peppers (one kind of c.annuum variety close to cayenne) I noticed black dots, none of my other peppers has this problem, they are all healthy and happy except this one :( What is it? Should I cut the leaves (5 leaves have these black dots on top and some on the bottom of the...
  3. Z

    Gift from a colleague

        Hm, comparing pictures of de arbol from google and my pics, not really...       Taste was nothing special, saved some seeds, but I doubt I'll plant them. Thanks!
  4. Z

    Gift from a colleague

    Her family got seeds from someone and planted, so here they are:             First I tried the first one from the right (1st pic), no heat at all until the end where the seeds are, then mild heat. Then I tried the red one on the bottom (1st pic), which was probably 2/10. Then I tried the 1st...
  5. Z

    2 peppers from Serbia

    @Balac Well, the first one is nothing special, very mild and sweet taste, how hot... I don't know, this is like generic "hot pepper" and you can find it everywhere, and that's what most people eat here. I wish I could try "popular" peppers like Jalapeno or Habanero, I would say it's around 3/10...
  6. Z

    2 peppers from Serbia

    In this country I've never seen someone selling chill pepper's with the name, everyone call them just a hot pepper... This is "hot pepper" which you can buy in any store or open market: But, 2 days ago, I stumbled upon "mini hot peppers" on the open market, and...