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  1. B

    Quick question black jalapenos

    Thats interesting. So are they better tasting when they are black and mild or red and sweet ?
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    Quick question black jalapenos

    Mine have a few nice looking peppers on them but its the end of the season and were hitting frost. They are in an unheated greenhouse. The peppers are fully black.... Sooooo how do I know if they are fully mature ? Will they get bigger after turning black pr should they be picked shortly after...
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    Did I nutrient burn my Ghost ?

    The stem looks thick and healthy but when i popped i tout to look at the roots they are overgrown and root bound so I will try and repot this evening after work. The roots also look thin and brown too me dead. but I could be wrong...
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    Time to start mixed seeds indoors... need a little help

    I like that idea give them some time outdoors and then finish them up indoors. What about the low humidity here outdoors will that be a problem ?
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    Did I nutrient burn my Ghost ?

    Ok I have it drying out now with a fan and no more water. If its too much nutrients and I dont flush with water how do I get fix the nutrient problem ? Thanks again !
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    Did I nutrient burn my Ghost ?

    I started with several Bhuts now i'm down to one and its just started to produce fruit. They all died the same way... one day they are healthy then I feed them and from there its all down hill. I dont have a pic as of yet but the whole plant starts to yellow and droop then dry up and die. I...
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    Time to start mixed seeds indoors... need a little help

    Well planting season has come up on me a little too quick this year. I have a lot of seeds to start indoors and from what I can tell i'm a few weeks behind schedule My work week is pretty hectic so I only have a few hours over the next few nights to get these babies going. I just want to get...
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    Need help from Canadian cold weather gardeners!

    It looks like for my zone end of april middle may is the time to start most things indoors. Peppers are listed as starting 6-8 weeks indoors before first frost but i'm thinking thats bell peppers... Should I also start my hots 12-14 weeks early indoors? I have two ghost habs in bloom can they...
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    Need help from Canadian cold weather gardeners!

    This is looking promising :D I ordered a number of seeds from Pepper Joe that arrived recently. Various hot peppers bell peppers and tomatoes. One I have been wanting to try for a long time is the chocolate bell. Now I have some seeds for this thanks to Joe. I will start early indoors and then...
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    Need help from Canadian cold weather gardeners!

    That is awesome ! exactly what I was looking for thanks! Yes that is true in the summer here we have daylight almost 20 hours out of the day.
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    Need help from Canadian cold weather gardeners!

    I need some help from other cold weather growers ! I live in Northern BC Canada in hardiness zone 2-3. Its a short cold growing season with lots of bright sunlight. I know that tomatoes, bell peppers and other can be grown here but I have no idea how to do it. There doesn't seem to be much info...
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    Just a few more questions

    I'm also thinking of doing a deep water bucket grow and dedicating a room of my house to growing. I was wondering if somebody could explain too me the flowering cycle of peppers. I have been searching but cant make sense of it. -Does it happen in waves, is it continuous is it only on new growth...
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    water Deep Water Culture hydro

    Hmmm well all I can think of is you probably want something organic. Other than that im not sure either.
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    water Deep Water Culture hydro

    I was actually just going to ask about growing peppers in DWC. Do you know what your going to use for nutrients ?
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    For those that grow multiple varieties

    I was wondering how you grow several varieties of Pepper indoors without cross pollination or need for a massive warehouse lol ?
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    My plants need your thoughts please.

    I forgot to mention these are also ghost peppers! Interesting these are all good points. Im going to try a different spectrum and crank the humidity and set a night cycle for these plants. im wondering if this one bulb is putting out enough light for these plants as well or should I get a second...
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    My plants need your thoughts please.

    These are four and a half months old. Humidity about 40-60% temp daytime 75-85F night time 65-75F Allowed to dry between watering. Misted daily. Currently feeding high phosphorous, calcium and magnesium. They started under full spectrum cfl's... too be honest I dont recall much more about those...
  18. B

    Pepper health picture (looking for)

    I saw a picture that shows the effects of different nutes and such on the plant. Could somebody please point me in that direcion ?
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    lighting confused about lighting

    Thanks for the replies! That all makes sense. So it seems like T5s cost more on the utility bill than MH or HPS is that correct ? I always thought it was the other way around.
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    lighting confused about lighting

    I would like to grow 2-8 pepper plants of decent quality indoors at minimal cost. That includes cost of power. I have been reading alot about kelvin and lumens and spectrum and HID and T5s and so on... But now im just more confused than ever. Bottom line 2-8 decent plants start to finish at min...