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  1. cheezydemon3

    seeds Seeds from a chocolate ghost are producing red ghosts.

    Cross pollination, unstable strains, kids switching tags (lol)   ONLY SAVE SEED IF YOU'RE A GAMBLER!!!!!   Lol.   That said, I save seeds. I rely much more heavily on overwintering though.
  2. cheezydemon3

    New here....

    Hey all! I am a Bank branch manager and super hot pepper lover. Been growing for 10 years. This year I phased out all sweet and mild peppers. Most of them are readily purchased. I'm growing Borg9 Bhutlah 7pot Scorpion Skunk Spiky And 15 or so crosses of those. 34 plants in all. I'm an...
  3. cheezydemon3

    Super Hot Chart?

    Thanks! Yes I am familiar with google. It has been rather unhelpful. Cayenne Diane has wrong pictures on her top 10 hottest with 2 different 7 pots pictured as the "infinity" pepper. I will introduce myself! Thanks.
  4. cheezydemon3

    Super Hot Chart?

    I wondered if anyone could link a good ID chart