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  1. I

    New guy

    Pretty geographically diverse group here... Cool. We had 144 seeds started in 34 different varieties. They are sprouting and things are starting to take off. Super excited at this point.
  2. I

    New guy

    Thanks all. I'm in the Pac northwest. Growing season leaves a little to be desired here, but we are making it work
  3. I

    New guy

    Thank you
  4. I

    Spankyscolts 2013 Growlog

    I'm new here, so I thought I'd say hi. I'm the other half of this GLOG this year. I'm new to growing peppers, but thanks to Spanky's knowledge and wisdom, we are off to a hell of a start!!! We will try to keep this updated and current as possible
  5. I

    New guy

    I'm new to the site. I got involved growing peppers this year with a buddy of mine who is on here. Just thought I'd say hi.