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  1. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    Thanks everyone. That might make senses Indiana. My peppers also come from pods grown in Peru as my wife is from there. Where they are planted now is in a raised bed I use for my garden which has had over time, cut grass, manure etc added and tilled in. I grew some okra in there once and it was...
  2. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    That leaffooted bug is EXACTLY what I have seen!  I see the big ones that are greyish. They evnetually see the smaller red looking ones that look like large ants and they are always in groups. They are the ones that are leaving the brown dots. They really wrecked my tomatoes and habaneros last...
  3. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    Ive seen those brown looking dots like on the one before. Usually its a stink bug like thing. They poke the pepper and then it turns brown in a circle and spreads. Most do not look like that though.   On the offside of it just being non insect related. Is it possible this pepper type just wont...
  4. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    ok I uploaded some more pics cut open and how they look again.
  5. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    Thanks. I havent been using any fert. Just seems there should be more flowers for as much green growth as there is.   Any idea on why the pods are falling off before ripe? Guessing maybe birds. But they seem delicate. I moved a couple of branches yesterday and they just fell off.   Also, did you...
  6. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    I know I know. I have them in my raised garden. Have a drip irrigation system in. I actually had to screw in some 1x2's to keep them from falling over. Wow I just saw the photo you posted. Yeah thats huge also. I guess I dont need to trim them any then. My concern is they are putting too much...
  7. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    OK I think this works. Tried to get a little closeer but its raining. I also added a pic of the peppers and what they are doing after they fall off green and I leave them laying out.      
  8. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    LOL Not feeding anything. I will go create an account now so I can add a link
  9. C

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    Well I took some photos but for the life of me 30 min later and reading the help I cant figure it out. There are no flash settings in My Settings. I guess I cant embed a small image directly here. The My media button doesnt have a way to upload anything either that I can find.  Sooo I hope...