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  1. Bluboy

    Bluboy's Glog from Egypt - My first time growing anything 8/8/2013

      Well brother, We came here to work with 'street involved children'. Originally we were going to start an NGO and work towards building a shelter/home to help the kids get of the street and either reconcile with their family if possible or take them in a raise them in a family style center...
  2. Bluboy

    Bluboy's Glog from Egypt - My first time growing anything 8/8/2013

    Well it has been a wild month here in Alex to say the least. The sounds of automatic gunfire, teargas grenades, crack of snipers popping off from rooftops (close enough I had to snatch the family off the balcony so we didn’t get shot), fill the afternoon a couple of times a week around my...
  3. Bluboy

    Bluboy's Glog from Egypt - My first time growing anything 8/8/2013

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys   Alex is a really cool place. if you ever get a wild hair to come this way give these guys a call they are some newly made friends that do cultural tourism here in Egypt and are based in Alex. We used them when my dad came...
  4. Bluboy

    Bluboy's Glog from Egypt - My first time growing anything 8/8/2013

    What's up pepper heads...   I am an American living in Alexandria, Egypt and I love spicy fire breathing food. I have been living here for 2 years now and can find only a couple of different types of peppers. I found Jalapenos’ in a jar and what looks and tastes like a Kung Pao pepper but...