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  1. McOmio

    Two peppers I.D. please.

      Its not white version :) Many pods are ripe now and have beutifull orange/red colour I'd say that the second one isn't SR or Infinity.   Why do i think that?   Tried one yesterday and while it is rather hot,i think it is too mild to be one of those superhots.   My estimate is that it counts...
  2. McOmio

    Two peppers I.D. please.

    Hello   Me again :)   I have new pictures of one my "semi" identified peppers   Let me repeat,its supposed to be chinense.   Megahot identified it as SR strain   But now as they are ripen im not that sure.   It may be SR,maybe 7pot infinity according to pictures.   Could it be one of hab...
  3. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

    Thanks!   Its just a whole new ball game. Every mourning when i want a fresh hot pepper I just have to make 10 steps and pick one. :)
  4. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

    Todays pictures of Jalapeno and Purrira :dance: And FYI i have realy big hands :D      
  5. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

    Hello,it's me again :)   I started picking my pepers as they ripen. I should have waited for jalapenos to go red but i just had have some for everyday needs :) In the mean time i have some fully changed to red.   Purrira's are allready pushing in big numbers and great tasting as well.     What...
  6. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

    When it was the time to transplant the peppers into their final size pots, I decided to test one in less than ideal conditions.   It is unidentified capsicum chinense,and i planted it into clear patch of ground in my garden. For months it fought the battle with poor soil,drought,aphids and so...
  7. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

      This is only temporary solution. I'we put them together just until the heat wave passes (100-115 F )  Otherwise every variety is grouped for itself well away from the others. And the pots are positioned so tehere is no touching between plants.
  8. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

      Will do thanks for the advice. I've been thinking about it for some time,but I just can't move in this heat :)   In two days there is change of weather finally :)
  9. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

    Thanks   A month more to wait and see if they punch as good as they look :)
  10. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

    All of the gang put together I've put them together despite of cross polinating,because last month over here has just been way too hot. I feel that the peppers are better off this way in this heat.     White pots are around 6 gallons ,and yellow ones around 3 gallons.   .       For last,there...
  11. McOmio

    1st take on pepper growing

    Hello everyone!   Im followng this forum long time,but just registered.   Being a "victim" of too often getting peppers of inconsistent hotness,i decided to give it a try at growing my own.   I made a list,ordered from Semillas and got to business.   List is   Jalapeno Purrira Fatalii Morouga...
  12. McOmio

    Two peppers I.D. please.

    ^^ Wouldn't say Fatalii I have two next to it growing well and they are nothing alike   MY Fatalii
  13. McOmio

    Two peppers I.D. please.

      Not these yet im waiting for them to change colour,but im allready picking fresh jalapenos regularly.       What I know they both should be capsicum chinense. When I got my order from Semillas,they sent me additional package called a "colorful mix" a package with random seeds of CC family.  ...
  14. McOmio

    Two peppers I.D. please.

    Hello everyone!   I'm new member but long time follower of this forum.   I need help to identify two peppers that Im growing along others known.   I need an I.D. so i can introduce my pepper project in complete :)   So please good people help Thanks in advance!     1st       2nd            