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  1. degenerate

    10-month-old Reaper

    Finally, after months of watching this plant drop every single flower it put out, she's starting to put out a few pods! Originally put these seeds in Jiffy Pellets in October. All my plants were growing indoors until the start of July, when I moved into a house that has a yard (and a garden). I...
  2. degenerate

    pests Bugs in my Flowers. ID Help?

    I started noticing these bugs on my plant recently. I tried to control them by spraying insecticidal soap on my plants. It seemed to have worked; I didn't notice them for a week or two. Then I realized they are hiding in all my flowers! Pretty much every open flower has a few of these. It's hard...
  3. degenerate

    Upper leaves curling up

    I've got several plants, all in the same mix under the same lights. I am using a miracle grow potting mix with some perlite mixed in for better drainage. I have not fed the plants yet... they were transplanted into new pots and soil mix about 2 weeks ago. I water when the pots get light and I...
  4. degenerate

    Introduction - Meet my plants!

    Hello everyone!   I've been lurking for a while and have learned so much! Thanks to everyone for passing the knowledge down to us newbies!   I've been eating stupid-hot stuff since high-school wing nights... I can't quite put my finger on why... but I love eating stuff that makes me ask "WHY DO...