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  1. F

    Growing chillies in New Zealand

    Ain't it their job to push them out, our job to breathe them in... ;) I'm making some signs for our roadside stall tonight, will be putting bags of chllies out in the morning at $12 per kilo... they're selling for $40 per kilo at the supermarket, but I figure farm gate sales should be a...
  2. F

    Growing chillies in New Zealand

    There's a big hoo-hah at the moment because the NZ government is proposing a 'Fart Tax' for cattle farmers because of all the methane that comes out of their bottoms! Hmm Boags - there's not a day I don't wake up and feel I'm so lucky, lucky, lucky! Land prices are still low-ish here in...
  3. F

    Growing chillies in New Zealand

    It's a cold, rainy day in paradise here, a bit warmer in the tunnelhouse. Chilliman, you're just over the ditch! Though we're a far way further south of the equator than you are, so if the chillies can survive our winter in the tunnelhouse, they should do OK in one of those mini-greenhouses in...
  4. F

    ARGGG I hope they are OK!

    It's amazing what chillies will survive! I managed to bake about 400 seedlings the first time I put them in the tunnel house - with the door shut and outside temperatures reached 30C. Not only were they drooping to the ground, but the top leaf nodes had died. I planted 100 anyway, even some I...
  5. F

    pickled Mmmm pickled peppers...

    My favourite is probably baby onions pickled with chillies... they have the heat of chillies with the body and crunch of onions. You have to soak the onions in brine overnight before pickling them to keep the crunch. I have them for breakfast with marmite on toast (no, I'm not pregnant).
  6. F

    Growing chillies in New Zealand

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, I'm not sure about the pics, they work on one of my computers but not on the other, so I'll post links for anyone who can't already see them. I have one red cayenne now and one two-tone (it's quite funky), so it looks like I'll get more ripening before the...
  7. F

    Growing chillies in New Zealand

    Greetings from Middle Earth I'm a Canadian Brit of Italian heritage who has now been living in New Zealand for 8 years. Last year my husband, 3 wee boys and I moved to an 11-acre farm about 30 minutes drive north west of Christchurch city. We haven't given up our day jobs (I work from home as a...
  8. F

    Mystery hole - help please

    Thanks to you all for your replies and welcomes ;) We've looked for bugs inside and outside the pod, but there are no obvious suspects - despite there being a whole eco-system in the tunnel house! There have been some tiny white mites on a couple of the ones with more severe damage, but on...
  9. F

    Mystery hole - help please

    G'day from New Zealand I'm a newbie to both this forum and chilli growing. However, I fell in love with chillies several years ago when I tried a Jamie Oliver pickling recipe, and when we bought a small farm in North Canterbury (north of Christchurch in the South Island of New Zealand), my...