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  1. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

    Took you long enough!
  2. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

    Seeds have been germing in the paper towel for a few days now. Just threw them into the dirt and will post pics when they hook. Yet again planting seeds during a snowstorm! :banghead:  Just doesn't make it feel like exactly like growing season lol
  3. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

    Just got back from NYC and threw these things into the bag Here goes nothin'.... :pray:
  4. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

    yeah seeds came in right on time yesterday, right before 19" of snow trapped me in my house
  5. Electroid

    pests The aphid battle rages on

    I attempted to spray my OW orange hab last year with neem oil. Wasn't sure if it negatively affected it (got rid of the aphids) but it wound up dying in late March, so close to when I could start putting it outside :cry:  Have a few aphids on my OW's this year, just manually pulling 'em off and...
  6. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

    I wouldn't mind trying again..... especially since Thai peppers are the bomb
  7. Electroid

    Hydrogen Peroxide - Really?

    I started my superhot chinense seeds in a damp paper towel in a plastic bag near my wood stove (probably should've soaked in the H2O2 considering some seemed to get diseased) and it took 9-10 days just to see a few seeds with tiny roots poking out. These things are so slooow....
  8. Electroid

    New year, new gear :D

    New year, new gear :D
  9. Electroid

    Need help ID'ing this plant/pods....

    Ok thanks guys yeah I'm thinking it's just some hab.
  10. Electroid

    Need help ID'ing this plant/pods....

    So I'm not quite sure what kind of plant this sure is pumping out pods and a bunch have already ripened. Had a taste and they were definitely over 300,000 scovilles. Any ideas?
  11. Electroid

    [SOLVED] Caribbean Red plant?

    Ok great thanks for the help guys! :dance:
  12. Electroid

    [SOLVED] Caribbean Red plant?

    Well I'm not 100% sure what kind of plant this is. The company I got it from said it was a Bhut (obviously not lol). I'm thinking it looks like a caribbean red, what do you guys think? :neutral:   Nevertheless it's still hot as hell to me! :eek:
  13. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

    Well..... haven't updated for a while lol. Been puttin it off knowing I'm not close to these monsters but heres some pics since you guys sent me the seeds! A whopping 2 1/2' !  ;)
  14. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

    Now we're gettin somewhere ;) Unlike the weather (sigh).
  15. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

    A little green for St. Patrick's Day.  :drunk:
  16. Electroid

    overwintering Overwintered Hab dying?

    yes actually I believe I sprayed some on it
  17. Electroid

    overwintering Overwintered Hab dying?

    My hab that I overwintered has looked like it is about to die for the past week. I've had it indoors since late October and it's been fine! It just dropped its last leaf and the last green stalk on it is starting to turn yellow. What could be wrong? It gets a fair amount of sunlight and I...
  18. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

    The new twin towers  :) 
  19. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

    After a couple day soak in a chamomile tea soaked paper towl my seeds are in the dirt!
  20. Electroid

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

    Mine are getting a little soak in a damp paper towel and then I will throw them in the soil in the next day or two. I still feel funny planting seeds during a Nor'easter...