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    two unknown chilis

    hharvested another of the nr 5     it had delicate flesh and cayenne level heat.   anyone?
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    two unknown chilis

    nr 7 was tabasco.
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    two unknown chilis

    1. Friggitello 2. Jalapeno Early 3. Black Hungarian 4. Red Cherry 5. Unknown 6. Red habanero 7. Unknown 8. Aji Limon 9. Orange Scotch Bonnet 10. Black Pearl 11. Numex Twilight 12. Cayenne long slim 13. Jalapeno Purple   anyone care to guess what kind nr 5 and 7 is? both have green leafs, nr 7...
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    Trinidad Mild Seasoning planted september 2012

    It hated being in the raised bed all summer, ph was wrong, too wet, to cold... finally rebounded enough to re-pot..   meh soil.   thats better   mmm coco
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    omnomnomnom hungarian hot wax

    sorry if i post this in the wrong forum, looked like a good place to post my image..     omnomnom, def top 5 tasting pepper
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    Devil Rib planted september 30

        2-3 weeks more and then repot, update then.
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    Diseased (orange) scotch bonnet

    Interesting suggestions from all, someone on fb suggested it to be Xanthomonas bacteria, but unless i got a copper resistant strain, copper sulfate should have killed it.. i dont have any slimy bildup on roots or anything... and i have 2 other plants in the same dwc system, bacteria should have...
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    Devil Rib planted september 30

    Got a devil rib pod sent to me and it tasted like grapes to me, so i put some seeds in dirt right away and now they popped up!     They will spend the next 6-7 months or so inside under MH and or CFL light, growing in coco fed with Aqua canna vega untill outdoor temps allow me to plant them in...
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    Diseased (orange) scotch bonnet

    Hi, i cant figure out what kind of affliction my orange scotch bonnet is suffering from.. planted 3 seeds, 2 survived to be strong healthy plants, one grew in a 1 gallon pot with coco all summer and is now moved into my grow space and its showing no signs of being ill   But the other plant... it...
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    Hejsan hejsan from the west cost of Sweden, Gothenburg

    Hi, been doing fine posting for likes on facebook over the summer but that's kind of petering out and i think iv learned enough to move on to a proper forum.. [;)] Anyway hi, its about 15 months ago since i put my first chili seed into soil now and i'm totally sold on chili, what an interesting...