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  1. K

    lighting led lights

    yea lol its 781.98 shipped to canada with 2 lights for me toer tha get them on ebay it will cost over $1000
  2. K

    lighting led lights

     i can get 2 for  100 bucks cheaper direct from the manufacture
  3. K

    lighting led lights   i was thinking of gettting 2 of theses
  4. K

    lighting led lights

     how much room does it cover
  5. K

    lighting led lights

    i am looking for good qualtiy leds for a 76x76x76 inch grow tent. i was wondering if you guys use and have good results with led. where is the best place to buy them?   ps the tent is going to have about 30 plants in it
  6. K

    The avocado keeps me sane

    Very nice man! I just start 4 seeds there sitting in water! Cant wait till they start. I also just started some lemon seeds too! I cant wait till spring
  7. K

    Flowers falling off

    Whats the humidity? And do you have a fan blowing directly at them? I had the same problem not to long ago and im pretty sure now that, both of those were the problem.
  8. K


    Hey I might be a. Little bit late on this one lol but, a bucket or a pot of boiling water with a fan on it will do the trick. Ive been having humidity problems myself aswell. My thermometer says my RH is at 20% I put a pot of boiling water in for a couple mins and it went up to 40 % then I took...
  9. K

    Bell alternatives

    I got purple star bel peppers and they are a high yielding compact plant.
  10. K


    You can probably use it just rinse it really really well before you use it
  11. K

    Flowers are Dropping Off.

    I might be a little bit late lol but... I read some where that to much nitrogen in the soil (or what ever grow in) will inhibit pollen to grow or set or somthing like that. Just some thing to think about
  12. K


    Uh I dont think so. The salt would lockout the nutes. But on the otherside im pretty sure coral sand, is crushed corals. So you would have a ton of calcium.... maybe
  13. K


    I see that it says coral sand on the bottom. I use to have a saltwater aquarium and I remeber that you could buy live sand, if thats what this is, you will probably have to rinse it a couple times to get all the salt out of it. But other then that I think it should be ok. What else are you...
  14. K

    Can I grow just 1 plant?

    I dont grow hyroponics. But I think the way you could stress them out, is just a day before harvest drain all the water from your table or w.e it called, and kill the lights for a few days. I dont know though. But it seem like it to me that would work. Lol
  15. K

    Pepper Buds young leaves dying

    I would just water them with plain rain water ( if possible) untell they look like their lacking something
  16. K

    Pepper Buds young leaves dying

    What kinda ferts are you using? And to me using 19.19.19 once aweek is quite a bit maybe cut it back a bit. And just going out on a limb here, but if ur using chem ferts it might be a salt lock up.or maybe a ph imbalanced
  17. K

    How long can a plant stay rootbound?

    Man a few days wont hurt it at all, unless you have bad luck. Lol . Just make sure they are watered before you leave.
  18. K

    How can I stop a plant from growing/producing

    Maybe stop giving it N, and P. And just give it K.
  19. K

    What's happening here?

    Do you have holes in the bottem of that cup. You could be drowning the roots. Just a thought Whats going on with ur leaf there?
  20. K

    pruning-topping Pruning and New Growth

    Nice good job man! Came back quick! Post some pic of her