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  1. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

    Neither. I dont intentionally overwinter anything that isnt in a pot. I only discard/bury pods from the correct pheno into the growing beds. I end up with a few crosses and other random plants but a good proportion come out true and I only discard those/bury those ones . If a particularly...
  2. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

    I picked a few rocotos to give to some of the guys at work.     I also removed/ threw away this many that had been eaten by something   I have a pretty big bush of Aji Verde.   here are some of the bhutlah pheno that iv been growing for years       random photos from garden     here is...
  3. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

      They are fairly hot actually and burn lasts a long time. Definitely chilli head rats. The rodents sometimes even eat the superhots  :onfire:
  4. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

    Here is a few pictures from last year.   These are what all the volunteers originate from. (these being volunteers themselves)           I believe the thin pointy up superhot in previous post, is a cross between the above bhutlah, and the below wild junglee mircha
  5. nzchili

    BIG SHOW OFF: Photos of Your Hybrids!

    This must be a cross between a brown bhutlah that iv been growing for years, and a wild fijian bird pepper that goes by the name of "junglee mircha", which literlaly translates to "wild peppers".    
  6. nzchili

    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    I have a few pubes. This is my biggest one. Its perhaps 3 years old. I often need to cut it back as it gets too big and covers too much area.   
  7. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

  8. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

      Thanks for the responses everyone. Hmmmmm, maybe a month or two? Its quite warm here at the moment. Around 28deg C, or 83f. Probably have another 3 months of growing till it starts to cool off.   Just a few more images :)   Something is eating my rocotos. Probably rats. Ill have to put down...
  9. nzchili

    Issue with Carolina Reaper plant

    Cut off and discard any mutated growth. Spray with lime sulphur
  10. nzchili

    Reaper problems

    Personally I would cut most of it down to get rid of most of the yellow - the yellow is never going to recover , only potentially sprout good growth out of all the forks but there are too many forks for it to deal with in its weak state which will really slow recovery down . Id probably give...
  11. nzchili

    Rocoto growth pattern

    Yes looks normal to me . In my experience they are very easy to grow and very sturdy
  12. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

  13. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

  14. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

  15. nzchili

    NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

    Hi there, been awhile since I posted..but I have been continuing to grow peppers every year.   The last couple of years I have had some pretty solid hauls..I have been encouraging Volunteers and want peppers to just grow at the end of the season I throw all the old pods around the...
  16. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

      Yep I am. I have maybe 15-20 sprouts (all of a wild fijian variety) so far sitting on the windowsill :) That's all iv planted so far. They are doing well so far...will post some pics once I figure out a new image hosting site to use... suggestions anyone?
  17. nzchili

    Habanero plant started flowering but plant to small

    ermm, what makes you think its too small? if its flowering, its obviously not too small. if its not ready to support pods then the flowers will drop off by themselves. That plant is easily big enough to start making pods
  18. nzchili

    Insecticidal soap treatment and yellowing leaves: Mg deficiency? Epsom salt?

    Dont worry about it. the new growth looks ok and that's all that really matters. Old leaves degrade, get damaged and die to make way and allow light to reach new growth. Just pluck off the old leaves that look less than perfect. If it were the new growth discoloring that would be an issue, but...
  19. nzchili

    Someone is stealing my peppers

    I had many pods get taken by rats...   They even took the brutally hot ones...reapers, bhutlahs etc Poison sorted them out.  
  20. nzchili

    pests bugs good or bad? new pic post 10

    Wohoo. Those are 100% the wasps I speak of.  :party:  (both of you)   yes those ones that look like they have a dry exterior husk will hatch wasps.   green aphid = alive brown = maybe alive still but has had egg laid in them. Will die soon and get a husk like exterior brown and dry / husk = dead...