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  1. Liber81

    How to force anthers to open themselves?

    Hi,   My Jolokia pepper is more than one year old bush. I grow it in a pot at home. Unfortunately, it has given my only 2 fruits yet although it has usually up to 25 blossoms in one moment. I think I found reason. Their anthers seems to be nearly closed in all blossoms. There is only a small...
  2. Liber81

    Bhut Jolokia Orange - only blossoms

    I would like to show you an important update of state of my Jolokia. As you can see, the first hot pepper will be ready soon :-)  
  3. Liber81

    Freezing here in New England

    Hi,   Try to grow one plant in pot at home. I successfully grow Trinidad Moruga Scorpion in this way. It was able to survive the first winter with lack of sunshine but it produce peppers again.
  4. Liber81

    Sriracha = Masochism?

    No, any chili pepper or product is cure, see :-)
  5. Liber81

    Hot season has started :-)

    Thank you for shifting of my topic to the appropriate section. It was my beginner's mistake. your list is very impressive. I wish you  good luck :-)
  6. Liber81

    Hot season has started :-)

    I would like to show you my "babies" Trinidad Scorpion Moruga. What about you, members of this forum ? Have you already started too ?     
  7. Liber81

    food My obsession with heat and food...JoynersHotPeppers

    Nice photo. May I use it as wallpaper on desktop of my  computer at kitchen :-) ?
  8. Liber81

    Bhut Jolokia Orange - only blossoms

    I had to cut off all ill leaves with yellow spots and black dots. Result was terrible - my jolokia had only almost bare branches and a few leaves. Than I added ordinary fertilizer for peppers and I waited.... Ill leaves had to suck its power because without them new young leaves were appearing...
  9. Liber81

    Bhut Jolokia Orange - only blossoms

    Thanks to all participants here, my jolokia is healthy again. You can see its reward for good care on the photo :-)    
  10. Liber81

    health Yellow spots with black dots

    Thank you ;)
  11. Liber81

    health Yellow spots with black dots

    Damn... :tear:  It is exactly my problem. Please, what is " mancozeb" ? I am not native speaker. I am not able to  translate this word. Thank you. 
  12. Liber81

    health Yellow spots with black dots

    Hi,   I can see yellow spots with black dots on leaves of my chilli which is currently planted inside of my home due to cold outside weather. How could I get rid  of the spots ?
  13. Liber81

    Lover of of Natures gifts

    Welcome from Czech Republic. Yes, it is very interesting idea to exchange seeds from different parts of world  :hot:
  14. Liber81

    Seeds were put into flower pot at home and snow is starting to melt around my house :-)

    Seeds were put into flower pot at home and snow is starting to melt around my house :-)
  15. Liber81

    food My obsession with heat and food...JoynersHotPeppers

    Wonderful photos... I assume no reader of this article was able to left this page without feeling of hunger :-)
  16. Liber81

    Bhut Jolokia Orange - only blossoms

    I really appreciate your experiences and ideas. Thank you.
  17. Liber81

    Bhut Jolokia Orange - only blossoms

    Thank you for your replies :-) BTW, what about seeds ? According to most of my friends, it does not make any sense to store own pepper seeds because I am not able to achieve ideal conditions for my plants. It means my seeds and next generation of my plants are supposed to be generally weaker. Is...
  18. Liber81

    Bhut Jolokia Orange - only blossoms

    Dear All,   I rescued my favorite pepper plant  from sure death last autumn and I took it home. Local winters are  usually mild (approximatelly about 0 °C) but is is enough to kill my plant. Although it seems to be in good condition, I can see only blossoms but no peppers. I tried to "emulate"...