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    HP56 Ed Currie
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    Have not got the space for lights etc hence why they are on the window sill
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    Thanks for the help, unfortunately I can't give them anymore light than what they get from the window.
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    Will they ripen?

    I'm not fussed about the heat on the hands but I do have an 8 month old daughter who I don't want it to get on.
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    Will they ripen?

    So this caroliner reaper should ripen up if I put it in a paper bag with half an onion? It was knocked off the plant, what about the seeds could you germinate them?
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    Given random peppers/chillis

    As the title says really, any help identifying these would be very much appreciated. I think these next one (4 small red) are Dorset nagas
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    Pepper inside another pepper???

    Didn't try them to be honest, they didn't smell right.
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    Pepper inside another pepper???

    Just a quick update, I picked the last of the small ones and this is the result, I would say just over half had the same pepper in a pepper problem. One or two even had a pepper in a pepper in a pepper!
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    What's inside my trinidad scorpion

    Thanks for the replys...... I think.....
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    What's inside my trinidad scorpion

    I don't think it's water it has not rained here for a few days, dare I say it's been quite sunny here (50 miles outside London)
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    What's inside my trinidad scorpion

    Cut open one of my trinidad scorpions and I can what looks like drops of oil in it, anyone know what it is?
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    What is this chilli

    Sorry I posted this on my phone, thought it was in the "pepper ID" forum
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    What is this chilli

    I was given this chilli and not told what it is, any idea???
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    Pepper inside another pepper???

    I would say there is about another 60 small ones so would presume they are the same, not going to pick them going to let them grow see what happens
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    Pepper inside another pepper???

    Cut a few more open and they are all the same one even had 3 growing in one
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    Pepper inside another pepper???

    I did pollinate the habs with the same brush as the trinidad scorpions
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    Pepper inside another pepper???

    That was the first 4 I cut open, I have loads of the small ones