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seeds 1 year old seeds

i forgot that i still have seeds it was from my lastyears order to pepperlovers
i try to germinate few but to no avail
can someone help me to decide/or for me to know what to do for this seeds to germinate
thanks alot
A good way is to fold them in a moist (not too wet) paper towel, seal them in a plastic bag, and leave them somewhere warm.  Some seeds should still be viable.  You can only be patient and hope that they take.
Good Luck!
I still like the solo cup method. Easy, less stress, no need to pot up for a month or two.
  1. poke holes in bottom of solo cups
  2. fill solo cups with dirt
  3. add seeds.
  4. keep in a area that stays in the 80s F (I use a old cable box)
craigenzo said:
i forgot that i still have seeds it was from my lastyears order to pepperlovers i try to germinate few but to no avail can someone help me to decide/or for me to know what to do for this seeds to germinate thanks alot
you can soak them in half diluted tea or water with a lil hydrogen peroxide.
juanitospeppers.com said:
Got your seeds... what now?
1. Soak
    Make some tea, drink half of it, fill the rest up with warm water. Throw the seeds in there for 1-24 hours. This will help soften the seed casings.
2. Put in containers
    Rinse seeds off and fold into paper towel or coffee filter. Wet the paper so its wet but not soaking(falling apart). Put in plastic tupperwear or ziploc bags. Don't forget to label them! 
 3. Put somewhere warm
     Anywhere that stays warm 24/7 if you bought a heating mat, break it out. If you didn't(i don't use) Put them on a computer, entertainment center, refrigerator etc. 
 4. Wait
     Should take 4 days - 2 weeks, you can check it often as you want.
 5. Results!
 those white tails coming out the roots, be very careful with them!
Cayennemist said:
I still like the solo cup method. Easy, less stress, no need to pot up for a month or two.
  1. poke holes in bottom of solo cups
  2. fill solo cups with dirt
  3. add seeds.
  4. keep in a area that stays in the 80s F (I use a old cable box)
OKGrowin said:
you can soak them in half diluted tea or water with a lil hydrogen peroxide.
Zoli said:
A one year old seed is just as good as a day old one.
Cayennemist said:
I think viability is less effected by time than it is storage conditions, up to a point at least. 3-4 years is probably when the viability starts to go down.
thanks guys i'll try the paper towel hope germination comes i really need some.
thanks again guys
Cayennemist said:
I think viability is less effected by time than it is storage conditions, up to a point at least. 3-4 years is probably when the viability starts to go down.
What is the best way to store seeds? All the packs in a tupperware in a cool dark place?
I use the weak chamomile tea soak. Works well.
Storage, i have coin envelopes from staples in a binder with baseball card holder sleeves in it. Envelopes fit perfect. Nice and neat/organized. I keep that in a big ziplock bag with an old clean sock filled with some raw rice tied shut for moisture control, in the fridge.
There are lots of good ways to store seeds. Tons of members have their own way, thats just my style.
Cool dark and dry are good