I love reading about Israeli efforts at food production and the things they do in the settlements. But most of their efforts still have a focus on centralized production. I am more interested in small concentrated and diverse production which can cause a more independent and resilient culture to emerge. So for conversation and maybe more, I wanna set some conditions for a theoretical garden and let folk run with it to see what they can come up with.
Size: 10 foot cubed. Ten foot by ten foot that is no taller tan ten foot. If you have seen the white easy up tents at arts and craft show, that is about what the size would look like.
Minimum Water consumption. No electricity other than what is produced in the
Can be open, enclosed, or combination.
Soil, hydroponics, aquaponics are all OK but nothing tremendously high tech for timers / pumps.
Think of something you could put in a person's back yard that would go a long way to feed their family. What would it look like, how would it work, what would it grow? Poultry, fish, anything that fits is fine preferably things with other uses: fish is food and fertalizer, chicken is body heat and composting heat, and so on. Like that.
Your thoughts?
Size: 10 foot cubed. Ten foot by ten foot that is no taller tan ten foot. If you have seen the white easy up tents at arts and craft show, that is about what the size would look like.
Minimum Water consumption. No electricity other than what is produced in the
Can be open, enclosed, or combination.
Soil, hydroponics, aquaponics are all OK but nothing tremendously high tech for timers / pumps.
Think of something you could put in a person's back yard that would go a long way to feed their family. What would it look like, how would it work, what would it grow? Poultry, fish, anything that fits is fine preferably things with other uses: fish is food and fertalizer, chicken is body heat and composting heat, and so on. Like that.
Your thoughts?