150W CFL or 250W HID for DWC?

I want to try my hand at hydro this year and summer time temps being a bit to high around here, I will be growing the plant inside. I have two options for lightning in my price range: a 150W CFL or a 250W HPS. Growing will take place in a small bathroom/closet I don't use, not in a tent.
This will be used for a single plant in a 5gal bucket.
I would recommend the 250W HPS because it's going to have better penetration. I don't believe the more usable spectrum from the CFL will justify the deficit in intensity.
you dont need 250w for one plant lol(unless you are trying to grow a monster 6' plant or something).
It does future proof you for more plants though. If i had to chose i would chose 250w hps.
If i were you i would make my own for cheaper
250 HID but if you get hooked and want to grow more plants indoors you might wanna think about just getting a 400 or 600 right now to save on the upgrade down the road.
Hophead said:
250 HID but if you get hooked and want to grow more plants indoors you might wanna think about just getting a 400 or 600 right now to save on the upgrade down the road.
I don't want to grow plants indoors. I don't have the space for it... MAYBE I'll use it to keep some overwinters alive and kicking if the hydro doesn't succeed (although I don't really like keeping any plants indoors, even OW for the same reason stated above)
Thanks all for your answers! Guess I'll go with the HPS (makes more sense, anyway)
OKGrowin said:
you dont need 250w for one plant lol(unless you are trying to grow a monster 6' plant or something).
It does future proof you for more plants though. If i had to chose i would chose 250w hps.
If i were you i would make my own for cheaper
I already have a 300W DIY CFL but I just use it for seedlings :)
(the bulbs are 2x85W and 2x65W; when the seedlings are really young I split them on two levels - 1x65 and 1x85 each)
Now I want something with a proper reflector and all the hanging gear (looks better too).
My only addition to what everyone has said is keep in mind the heat. If the intense heat of the HPS is not aproblem for you, or (like me) you use the cool nights  and the heat to your advantage, then never mind. But the 125watt will run a decent bit cooler.
I have both set ups going right now, a 125watt fluoro and a 400watt HPS. The HPS (or MH depending on what you are doing, growing or flowering) will always produce better results in my opinion. The intensity and penetration is definitely better. But the fluoro is cheaper and runs cooler.
I would make my decision based on the environment where you plan to run this set up. If you run the lights at night and the area is ventilated, go with the HPS. If you have a confined area with low ventilation and your lights are on mostly during the day hours, then go with the fluoro. Anything in between can be a toss-up and wont matter much whichever way you chose.
I'm thinking a 250W will run cooler than a 400W HPS... The space is not very small (it's an unused bathroom/toilet), but there isn't much ventilation. Night and day temps will be about the same, so that won't make any difference - there are no windows and the climate will be close to the hose temperature (AC in summer).
I will go with the HPS just to make sure I get good results (even though there will only be just one plant), as from what I know CFLs are rated by power consumption and HIDs are rated by power output (so for the same wattage a CFL is supposed to put out less lumens).
How high should the light be from the plant (min/max) - the HPS?
That sounds good to me. And the worst-case-scenario, you can always switch I guess.
I'm thinking a 250W will run cooler than a 400W HPS...
I fully agree, the 400 is the only thing I have to compare, but you will see, those bulbs get pretty damn hot. Do not touch the bulbs directly with your fingers, the oil can heat the glass enough to pop the bulb once it is on for a little bit. I imagine the 250watt will still be plenty hot. But with as much room as you have, you should be ok. Just throw a thermometer in there and call it a day.