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1st Bahamian Goat

I wish I had a smartphone to take pics or video.
I'm a pepper noob in my first grow and I finally got to try a runty Baha Goat the size of a quarter.
It was awesome! Perfect peachy orange on the outside and snowy white on the inside. Few seeds. Crispy and juicy. Very sweet and clean taste. Tolerable heat that was fun. Smelled like a Hab.

I'm bad at flavors and my wife would never eat one to give me a description. But it was very sweet left me wanting more. Heat probably lasted 5 or 6 minutes.

Is there a specific taste I should be getting from baha goats or is this what scotch bonnets taste like?
The colors of the pod were spot on and very desirable. I assume baha goat is a bonnet offshoot?

New fav pepper.