• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

1st Chile Garden

This is my 1st year growing chiles. Since I didn't know what I was getting into, I decided to start slow: I'm growing 2 Jalapenos, 5 Cayennes (2 Varieties), 1 Corbacci, 2 Cherry, 1 Seven Pot Yellow, and 1 Chocolate Habanero Long. I've got to tell you that I'm officially hooked - next year's garden will be much bigger. Thanks to Buddy for getting me started and helping me along the way. A few pictures:

My 1st Yellow 7 Pot:

Jalapenos (making salsa tonight):


More Cayennes:


Chocolate Habanero - Long


It's a start!
Thanks Kevin. I've seen some of your peppers - they always look great.

Thanks Buddy - you got me started. I can't wait to see some of the chiles that you're growing.

Thanks for the kind words Jamison.

DocNrock - thanks. I have to say - the Yellow 7 is looking a bit scary. I've heard good things about it though.
no problem Tfergy. glad to help. i've got a lot of seeds for you to try next year. good luck - doesn't look like it will be too long before you're harvesting some chiles!
You are going to love the Yellow 7. I tried a piece of one recently. Packs a punch, no question, but good flavor. Good thing I tried it after I tried a piece of a Douglah. Yellow 7 was tame by comparison.
I know that it's not much, but this is a picture of my 1st ever pepper harvest. This is my 1st year growing. I'm really excited and can't wait to dive into these. Jalapenos, cayennes, corbacci, hot cherry and a single habanero.

Very nice. Good to see somebody starting and learning rather than collecting every seed on the board, and then starting and learning.
Very nice. Good to see somebody starting and learning rather than collecting every seed on the board, and then starting and learning.

Thanks. Buddy helped me out. He convinced me to start slow, with a good range of heat and with chiles that are easier to grow.
Here is a picture of my 1st ever (I am a 1st year grower) hot harvest. 1 Yellow 7 pot, some cayennes, and some red Habaneros. I've harvested a lot of Jalapenos, Corbacci, and Cherry peppers. I'm excited (but a bit nervous) about trying the the Yellow 7 and the Habaneros. But, I guess I might just as well give it a whirl - wish me luck.

good luck! next year we'll crank up the heat a little bit more. you're doing a great job for your 1st year!