1st Roast of the year!!

...and does my house smell GOOD!
I love the harvest season.
This was yesterday...

And this is a half hour ago, that very same basketful...

"They" are predicting frost for Wednesday morning here, so I'm hedging my bets. Besides, there are three more baskets to fill....
Scoville DeVille said:
Dude. That looks so good. I wish I could smell that smell.
It is one of my all time favorites, I use the broiler, so it gets just a might smoky in the house, the grill outside is a 4-burner but isn't keeping up with this years harvest!
I'm going out this morning for the rest of the mature pods, then will cover and pray for the smaller ones overnight. The weather is supposed to warm up for the next couple of weeks, no more frost predicted, so my record haul may be even record-er....I hope to have that beautiful odor occur at least a couple more times before I'm done....
I'm also out of vacuum bag rolls for the Food Saver. Closest store is over 12 miles away and doesn't deliver. Maybe a big ol' vat of green chle stew is in order!!
stettoman said:
It is one of my all time favorites, I use the broiler, so it gets just a might smoky in the house, the grill outside is a 4-burner but isn't keeping up with this years harvest!
I'm going out this morning for the rest of the mature pods, then will cover and pray for the smaller ones overnight. The weather is supposed to warm up for the next couple of weeks, no more frost predicted, so my record haul may be even record-er....I hope to have that beautiful odor occur at least a couple more times before I'm done....
I'm also out of vacuum bag rolls for the Food Saver. Closest store is over 12 miles away and doesn't deliver. Maybe a big ol' vat of green chle stew is in order!!
Green chili stew i'm in !!!!!!