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1st timer needing help

I am growing some superhots under a 400w MH lamp and experiencing some leaf curl. I have tried drying them out, watering heavily and some very diluted fert (miracle grow all purpose). The lamp is about 18" above plants running 18 hours/day. The soil is Hoffman seed starter mix. hopefully some pictures show up. Thanks for any help!






IMO at this time back off the ferts, maybe even transplant them into potting soil in solo cups and let them rebound. IDK much about your light, I use T8 6500 that I got cheap at lowes.. No real heat issues to brun my leaves. Maybe try a different kind of light, but If I were you I'd put them into solo cups with basic miracle grow potting soil, no need for ferts from there because MG is strong soil
Thanks, i just put into these cups a couple of weeks ago. Would moving them so soon hurt them more? The seedlings are around 5 weeks old.
The high temperatures may lead to overwatering. Mine was 82-85 degrees and I ( being inexperienced ) kept watering because my soil looked dry as hell. Some of my plants ( Month old or so ) have a bit of leaf curl still becuase of it. My suggestion is to lower the heat, or watch how much you water. Also back off on the fertilizers for now. Either way, try caring a bit less about them and it works out well in the long run for you!

Tough love my friend.
Good luck and happy growing!
Yes my soil looks dry and the tray is very light one day after watering. I have a couple of fans on the lamp to keep cool. Thanks for help!
The soil looks really dry, this happened to me early in my growing venture. And turns out I was under watering, the heat from your light in conjunction with the fan could be drying them out too fast. I water just by feeling the pots now, if they are light I water them through until water comes out the bottom. Hard to over water with a fan and that light I would think.

Good luck!
Thanks Melissa! I keep reading about "too much love" and maybe I am not giving them enough! I have been watering from bottom through a 1/4 " hole. Inlet them sit in about 1" of water until water is soaked up. Should I top water instead? This has been fun but I am now attached to the little fellas and don't want to lose them!!
Hey Howie, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I went through something extremely similar (almost identical) to you earlier this season. I will post the link to my GLog at the end, and you can get more in depth, but here are the cliff notes.

I was running a 600w dimmable MH at 75%, Hoffman's seed mix, temps at about 82-85 F, and fans/CFM to keep the air flowing. I cursed the lights, and changed em, I cursed the soil, and changed it, I cursed the fans, and changed em, I cursed the water and let it sit in buckets to get rid of nasties, and in the end I feel it was a combo of Soil and watering (with the watering being the main issue I was having). I was bottom watering and adding about an inch and a half of water in the bottom of the tray and letting the soil soak it all up. This was what killed me. It turned the Hoffman's into mud and killed about 150 seedlings. I switched the soil to PROMIX, and began to top water with very little water, a good squirt per cell every few days (when the tray is super light). This fixed my problem. Just for good measure, I planted a dozen or so seeds in Hoffman's the second go around to compare it to the promix, and they all survived, but they did end up growing slower.

In the end, I was killing them with the water. I thought that an inch of water (even when it was light and dry) was too much. I found out that it is better to water every other day or so, albeit a much smaller amount, than to go with the ease of bottom watering (for me). In the end, everything survived (after the initial and subsequent hundreds of dead) and in the future I will probably go with a different mix than Hoffman's and water from the top. I know that there are a number of very reputable and amazing growers that swear by Hoffman's, and that is testament to its ability to really produce for you. But I just had problems, and instead of trying again I am gonna stick with something that worked for me.

Here is my GLOG and pages 3-8ish covers the Death and Carnage!
Wow MGOLD! You are the man! Just finished reading your GLOG and I don't feel alone now! Great info and much continued luck with grow, I will definitely keep up.
I would agree with MGOLD and water from the top, bottom watering never worked for me either! Best of luck to you getting your grow dialed in! ;)
Howie....i feel your pain mate!!!
I have overwatered / added nutes / underwatered / still getting yellow & curling leaves...........
Planted some more.....kept water minimal....still going yellow. curling etc etc
Put the lights higher....then lower.....then somewhere in the middle.....didnt add any nutes at all....then watch them all go yellow, curl and leaves drop off.

Im trying for the 3rd time now, but with different potting mix. I have a strange feeling that, as it always seems to be around the 3rd week when they start to go funny, possibly ties in with the roots growing out of the jiffy pellets and reliant on the potting mix.
So im REALLY hoping potting mix saves me!!!!.....
Or else i'm back to underwatering / overwatering / adding calcium / magnesium / moving the lights up / moving the lights down....................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

MGOLD, i will give your glog a read too!
Née, I am cracking up because you just described how I feel! I have adjusted my lights 4 times today, I can't help myself. I move my fans, rearrange plants in tray, spray, and anything else I can think of!!!! Pretty funny how these things can drive you crazy! It is kind of fun though.
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Née, I am cracking up because you just described how I feel! I have adjusted my lights 4 times today, I can't help myself. I move my fans, rearrange plants in tray, spray, and anything else I can think of!!!! Pretty funny how these things can drive you crazy! It is kind of fun though.
Oh deffo!! It's all part of the learning curve i guess!
I think what mine will benefit most from is me leaving them the hell alone....lol
I will update my glog with some pics soon, but im pretty sure the new potting mix is working for me. I just want to get past the 3 or 4 week mark before i say "yes, i have solved it" as i feel if i post pics now i will jinx it....plus it's no fun for anyone reading 4 or 5 pages of me slowly killing all my plants...lol :)