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1st year trying to grow superhots and new to forum.

I'm trying to grow a Bhut Jolokia and a Trinidad Scorpion. Growing seems to have slowed due to extreme Texas heat. I'm hoping now that it has cooled off some they will start to take off. I've noticed some leaf bubbling, leaf curl and small brown spots on the leaves. Haven't noticed any pest but sprayed for good measure. Hopefully It's due to the weather. I've given them some mag-i-cal and bonemeal, now waiting on the results. I'm glad I ran into this forum looking to learn all I can and plan on growing a wider variety next season.






Welcome to the world of superhots and the greatest pepper growing forum on the planet bradly26. It isn't hard to grow these monsters but there are a couple things to be aware of. First one is they take a long, long time to go from seed to ripe peppers so you'll need patience. Second is don't be shy about asking questions. Lot of people here who are real good at growing these monsters and they enjoy sharing their experience when they know someone is listening.

The Texas heat is known for stopping pepper production. Quite a few of your fellow Texans around here, I'm sure they can help you. Couple of things I would recommend, your plants are going to need bigger pots to reach their potential and forget bonemeal. It is a good source of phosphorous but it isn't readily absorbed by the plants so you end up just washing it away. Plus it needs to be worked into the soil prior to putting the plant into it.

Good luck to ya!
Welcome... lookin good. Mine pretty much stopped growin here too from the heat, but the humidity has dropped just a lil, and 90 is much better then 98. Watch the brown spots, I had some Bacterial leaf spot, decimate some plants, I have been spraying , but have given up for the season for some plants.