2009 Defcon National Championship Deathmatch video is now available

LOL! Buddah at 9 minute mark, "Hey Jon! JON! JON! GET THAT GUY!!!"

Great video, I remember it just like it was yesturday. What a great event.
Bad enough when he snorted it baqck up his nose, but then he puts his tongue out and eats it?!!??!?!?!!

Snot man was a stand out. That bit was gross.
How did they fair after the event, it looked like it was starting to hurt by the end.
Hudd looked good with the trophy and all that sauce on his face.
I wish I could have stayed for the Deathmatch!!!! That was awesome!!! Snot dude was great!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stillmanz said:
Snot man was a stand out. That bit was gross.
How did they fair after the event, it looked like it was starting to hurt by the end.
Hudd looked good with the trophy and all that sauce on his face.

Everyone faired pretty well, as far as I know. There was one of the contestants who was found in the mens room shortly after the match, in the midst of a bi-polar evacuation. Quite a difficult feat inside a mens room. :shocked:
bi polar evac that would be messy without a bucket. I mean if you gotta choose lol
Thats a hell of an image.
Does it ever spin you out how they manage to eat those ten wings when they are so hot?
Adrenelin and the desire to take home a trophy can give people superhuman abilities lol
stillmanz said:
Does it ever spin you out how they manage to eat those ten wings when they are so hot?
Adrenelin and the desire to take home a trophy can give people superhuman abilities lol

Yeah, myself and my wife are quite amazed at it. Many have come up to us and asked, "Good God, do you eat that stuff?". My reply is, "I do the quality control fo the stuff, but do I consume 10 wings coated in the stuuf? No, I only build the bomb, I don't drop it".

And to think, next year it'll be even hotter. :hell:
Excellent John...can't wait to see all of you in a month...
DEFCON Creator said:
Yeah, myself and my wife are quite amazed at it. Many have come up to us and asked, "Good God, do you eat that stuff?". My reply is, "I do the quality control fo the stuff, but do I consume 10 wings coated in the stuuf? No, I only build the bomb, I don't drop it".

And to think, next year it'll be even hotter. :hell:

**@@ GULP @@** and to think I was contemplating trying it next year....and now you tell us you're gonna make it hotter!!!! GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dyce51 said:
**@@ GULP @@** and to think I was contemplating trying it next year....and now you tell us you're gonna make it hotter!!!! GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, according to John this batch was twice as hot as last years.....so....I think people are getting higher tolerances. John, you might have to shoot for 4x as hot for next year.... :hell:
ZOMG..Snot-Man is teh Crazeeee!

Damn...I should do one of those someday. Although, I'm not a huge fan of extracts..but I trust John to make quality deadly stuff. ;)

Hell, if I can eat a tsp. of CM's GPS, what's hotter than a sauce that's 75% chiles and nearly all Naga?
QuadShotz said:
Hell, if I can eat a tsp. of CM's GPS, what's hotter than a sauce that's 75% chiles and nearly all Naga?

Well, there's only one way to find out. I'll save a placesetting at The Table of Virtue for you next year. :hell:
Well, it's a nice thought, and thanks man...but the odds I'd be able to actually go are both dieting and scarce to be had. ;)