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2009 Grow Log

With spring on the horizon (it's only 80 days or so away) for us on the upper side of the equator, I'm getting into starting plants. Still waiting on several seeds to show up in the mailbox, and still have several to order, but I have started. To date:

Bhut Jolokia: Sowed 30 seeds on 12/26.
Red Savina: Sowed 50 seeds on 12/30.
California Sweet Bell: Sowed 60 seeds on 12/30.
Trinidad Scorpion: Sowed 12 seeds (that's all I have) on 12/30.

I love poking fun at AJ and his meticulous record keeping, but I see real value in it. It should help next year, at least as far as giving me a time frame to start seeds.


It's probably 125 days or so until Frost Free but I would like to have these plants in a coldframe by April 22 or so.

I didnt relize this was your grow log, thought it was a "whats everyone growing" thread, brainfart, I fixed my previous post.

next question are you gonna try a trinidad scorpion ? :hell:
Raise or eat???

Yes to the first, doubtful to the second. Though I am starting to develop a tad of a tolerance for heat.
