• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2012 - Wulf's mediocre race to winter!

To set the stage:
It's May, everybody else has been preparing for months, many have their plants ready to go, 20 feet high if they're an inch! Wulf wakes up one morning and says "Hey, you know what I've never done? Grow anything, ever. I think I'll try that." Skip ahead. It's July. Wulf has a kitchen table full of cups and bottles with things growing in them. This time, they're growing intentionally. He thinks "Hey, you know what I should've done a month ago? Put the damn plants outside. I think I'll try that." Skip further ahead, it's August. The purples are the first to start creating flowers, followed by serranos, followed by the jalapenos. The scorps, habs, and peters are disturbingly masculine in their refusal to flower it up. Only a single purple pepper is in the beginning stages of forming.

Tune in next time I have nothing better to do to see if our daring hero has wasted an entire summer, or if the taste of pepper shall be enjoyed before frost hits!
Wulf, you are in good company. I am still planting my in-ground garden, and it's back-to-school time already!

I like your sense of humor! It will serve you well in this hobby....
Here are the plants as they were yesterday.


I like your sense of humor! It will serve you well in this hobby....
Thanks. I figure if you can't laugh at something, it's not worth doing.
Still growing slowly, but at least there are multiple ones forming yet. None of the flowers have opened on my other plant types yet.

Are serranos just 'leggier' plants? I'm noticing my second serrano is also tall and thin, but had assumed I'd just sun-starved the first somehow.
2nd purple pepper plant has started a pepper.

The 4 peppers on the first plant are ever so slowly coming along.

My serrano stick is the first non-purple plant to open up a flower.
All peppers but my BT trin scorps have formed flowers now, though only the serranos have opened.

In case I haven't listed the types, that means my serranos, jalapenos, purples, pumpkin habaneros, and peters all have flowers formed. My trinidad scorpions do not. (Nor do my chocolate habs, but that's because none of them germinated and the 2 I got growing from the replacement pack are < 1" tall.)

It's great to see them all coming along, but more than a little disheartening to know that none of them will be ready before frost.
Took some pictures of each plant individually. Click here if so inclined to see them.

I assume they're at the stage now where most people would hope to be in May or so.
First serrano actually has a pepper now. The purple peppers are getting rather numerous.

Dare I dream the undreamable dream of having food before winter?

Side-note: I'm beginning to like the 'glog' thing, not because anybody actually cares, but because I can look back and see that it's been 4 days since that pepper was just a flower and that sort of thing.
I think you just need to start your seeds earlier. The colder your zone the earlier you need to start.
Definitely. Next year will be mostly overwintered plants though, plus replacements from seed of whatever I kill through ignorance.

Purples are coming along nicely.

And my serrano's pepper.
Saw a few aphids on there this morning, made a mental note to take care of it when I got home from work. Get home from work and I see a few ladybugs and no aphids.

Yay ecosystem.

No significant plant changes, but all appear healthy.
5 months later, I have ripe purples.

None of the peppers that I wanted to have grown/ripened, but damnit, I've created food!

