• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2013 Grow Log - Breeding experiment


I'm going to be breeding some peppers this year and I'll be documenting it all with some videos.

I'm going to cross the Chervena Chushka pepper with Jalapeños, and see what I can get!

Anyway, here's my first video. The pepper seedlings are shown at the end, the first minute or so is just showing you my setup.

Hey guys, another update here.

Everything is looking good, except for a few lesions on my Jalapeno leaves. I show them in this video, anyone have any ideas what it could be? Hopefully nothing fatal! :cry:

New video up!

I've concluded the disease on the Jalapenos is pepper leaf spot. I'm going to let them go, and document what this disease can do to a plant, and I'm also just going to practice emasculating flowers on these guys. Take a look!

Like the video posts. Hope you keep them going as be interesting to see your results along the way. Good luck to you and best wishes for great progress.
Thanks for the kind words. I will most definitely be keeping up the videos, even if I'm the only one watching them!
New video up!

Got rid of the diseased plants, got some new seeds, new soil and new food! Sucks that I have to start over, but that's how these things go. Excited to make some crosses!

Jalapeno x Sweet Banana (hoping for monster Jalapenos)
Jalapeno x Orange Habanero (hoping for orange jalapenos with added heat)
Orange Habanero x Sweet Banana (not sure what will come of this!)

Check it out and don't forget to view in HD!

New video up!

Jalapenos and Sweet Bananas are starting to bud! I'm not going to let any of them set fruit until I can make a cross, so until then I will just practice emasculating the flowers.

Check it out!

New video up!

I've been practising emasculating a few flowers while I wait for the Jalapeno plants to open up some flowers.

Another video!

Well, my crosses seem to have taken as I have 13 or so Sweet Banana peppers which were pollinated with Jalapeno pollen. Now I just baby these guys until I have ripe pods so I can harvest my hybrid seeds.

Quick question: Anyone know if all of the seeds from one plant will produce the same hybrid plant? Or, will the seeds from different pods contain a different mix of genes?
