Hi Guy's
It would seem 2024 is proving a terrible year certainly in northern Europe for chilli growers, many I've spoken to have said poor weather this year has put them way behind.
I believe chillichump and others have made YouTube videos on the subject.
The poor weather seems to have produced lots of foliage growth and tiny chillies often only finger nail size.
Certainly this seems true of my capsicum chinense varieties although my only capsicum annuum seems to be producing pretty normal sized pod's but in smaller quantities that last year.
My outdoor capsicum pubescens has only recently got small green pod's perhaps only 1/2" long max ! This time last season there pod's were bigger than my thumb !
I'm wondering what if anything can be salvaged from this year ..........

I've just started picking these small ripe fruit and freezing them I'm wondering how representative they will be to the flavour of the variety ?
It would seem 2024 is proving a terrible year certainly in northern Europe for chilli growers, many I've spoken to have said poor weather this year has put them way behind.
I believe chillichump and others have made YouTube videos on the subject.
The poor weather seems to have produced lots of foliage growth and tiny chillies often only finger nail size.
Certainly this seems true of my capsicum chinense varieties although my only capsicum annuum seems to be producing pretty normal sized pod's but in smaller quantities that last year.
My outdoor capsicum pubescens has only recently got small green pod's perhaps only 1/2" long max ! This time last season there pod's were bigger than my thumb !
I'm wondering what if anything can be salvaged from this year ..........

I've just started picking these small ripe fruit and freezing them I'm wondering how representative they will be to the flavour of the variety ?