event 23rd Annual Bowers, PA Chile Pepper Food Festival September 7-8, 2018

Hello all!
So, I'm planning on going up to Bowers, PA for the 23rd Annual Chile Pepper Food Festival in September and I figured I'd put up a post for general discussion. It'd be awesome to meet up with some of the other folks here on THP.
I know it's pretty dang far off, but I like to be thorough :party:
Anyone here been there before? I saw a few posts on here, but they didn't give a whole lot of information. I also looked on their site (pepperfestival.com), but the resources there are limited too, except for a few pictures, flyer, and an email address for contact.
Anyone with experience:
What's it like? I noticed they don't allow dogs OR alcohol on the premises, which is a little bit of a bummer (Who doesn't like drinking when eating hot stuff?), but clearly there's a good amount of space to roam and sight-see.
I hope to see some of y'all out there :dance:
Anything pepper or spicy food related is definitely worth checking out. If I were you, I would consider making the trip to New York in April for the hot sauce expo. It's put on by high river sauces (which has AMAZING sauces) and they always have good vendors. It's the same one they do every year in southern california too. The owner is a cool dude. Metal music, hot sauce and alcohol. What could be better?!
Edmick said:
Anything pepper or spicy food related is definitely worth checking out... Metal music, hot sauce and alcohol. What could be better?!
That sounds dope! I'm gonna look into it! I'm assuming it's indoor?

Also, if it's an outdoor festival, I think I'd try and get a campsite for the event. Good excuse to sleep out in nature haha