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50+ Pods, none ripening???

My Trinidad Scorpion plant has had about 50+ pods on it for close to a month now and none of them are showing any signs of ripening. These are the first set of pods this plant has had.

Is there anything I can do to help my plant ripen them?

I figured it could be the size and amount of pods in the plant. Most pods are the size of golf balls and the plant is still growing and flowering as it grows.

Mine took several months to ripen. They will ripen when you are no longer expecting them to. Plants are looking good, give em some time...
Plants are telepathic. The more you want them to ripen, the more the fckers slack off. Just when I had given up my douglah for useless just now, BAM! little mini pod. 
edit; and how does that look like a habanero. It doesn't have a tail, but habaneros are a lot darker green than that unless it's a weird white one. In that case, you still didn't lose out on anything.
I know the feeling man, my early jalapenos taking FOREVER to ripen, pretty sure its been almost 3 months and they're still green.
Patience is a virtue that is virtually lacking in every pepperhead. Take it from me - I know from personal experience! ;)
Thanks for the responses! I guess I'll be patient and wait how ever long it takes.

And yes, I am aware that these don't look like true Scorpions but we'll find out when they ripen and I try one.
megahot said:
Just wait until you grow BB7. Longest time to take a pod to ripen! I waited nearly 2 months!
I ordered some BB7 seeds from Mike and Jen @ Buckeye Pepper Co. but I guess by the time they start fruiting, ill be more experienced with growing. These are my first plants.
They will turn very quickly once they start (douglahs take forever as do bishops crown pods)but uunfortunately they look to me like big habeneros (or at least hab crosses) ... Not Trinidad scorpions
Tried a ripe one today.

Color: Redish orange. More on the red side.

Taste: Sweet, slightly fruity

Burn: Back of the throat, under the tounge! About a min later spreads to the roof of the mouth and tip of the tounge. Burn lasted for a good 5min+

Idk if this helps ID my pods but thought I'd share.

Gonna move this one to the Pepper ID section now. With pics of ripen pods.

Thanks for all the responses and input!!!