7 pot brown newbie question

It was probably a tad ambitious to start with a 7 pot brown as my first ever chili plant, especially in Holland :)
But everything seemed to be going well until i transplanted it into this pot a week ago, at the same token i also gave it its first bit of sun light (climate finally started working with me)
But now it started developing damage to its first leafs.... some shriveled a bit inwards and some other damage.
It also dropped 1 of the first large leafs its grown.
At the same time this was happening though it started sprouting a ton of new leafs on the base of where the larger started leafs were.
So at this point i am really confused if its healthy or not healthy... do i need to give it more sun, or less..... did i completely botch the transplant to the bigger pot?
As a complete novice i am most likely not using the most optimal soil either so not sure if i should replace that either.....
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Don`t worry, it`s fine.
The leaves look like they are a little sunburnt, which isn`t a big deal. You need to aclimatise the plants to full sun slowly, say an hour a day until they can tolerate as much sun as you can throw at them. Big leaves develop in lower light conditions. The bigger surface area allows for more photosynthesis. These aren`t needed in high light conditions and they will naturally fall off. The fact that your plant is growing new side shoots and also from the top of the main shoot is a good thing. 
When you finally get pods from this plant, be aware that they are insanely, ridiculously hot. They make Ghosts look like a habanero. Wear gloves when you handle them, especially if you cut them open. 
Thats actually the reason why i wanted to grow it  :) i can deal with fresh Bhuts pretty easily and i can eat dried Morugas, and Jays ghost scorpions as well.
I heard these pods tasted really nice and were screamers when it came to heat!  :)
I love insanely spicy foods but i never attempted to grow a pepper.
Thanks a ton for the reassuring words!
Nigel said:
Don`t worry, it`s fine.
The leaves look like they are a little sunburnt, which isn`t a big deal. You need to aclimatise the plants to full sun slowly, say an hour a day until they can tolerate as much sun as you can throw at them. Big leaves develop in lower light conditions. The bigger surface area allows for more photosynthesis. These aren`t needed in high light conditions and they will naturally fall off. The fact that your plant is growing new side shoots and also from the top of the main shoot is a good thing. 
When you finally get pods from this plant, be aware that they are insanely, ridiculously hot. They make Ghosts look like a habanero. Wear gloves when you handle them, especially if you cut them open. 
Well after following some advise and trimming the large damaged leaves it seems to have enjoyed a growth spurt and growing a lot of new shoots from the side and top :)
The new leaves seem lighter in color but tolerate the sun very well.
Plant itself is a little over a foot tall now, not quite sure how big the 7 pot brown gets or how long it takes before it starts growing pods.... i hope to have at least 2 months of good weather left.