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flavor 7 Pot Douglah Crosses.............? Opinions

Hi Guy's

If I understand it correctly there are all manner of Douglah crosses.......?

Big black mama
Scorpion x Douglah
Sepia serpent ..........to name a few and then there's crosses of crosses with Douglah ancestry ! Hellboy for example.

I grew the Douglah last year Wow ! 🥵 I couldn't have asked for a better chilli pepper the heat was spectacular ! :thumbsup:😎 and it grew huge pod's in my wee greenhouse :thumbsup:

However I didn't like the flavour 🥺 😢😭

As I understand it all the Douglah hybrids are exceptionally hot ! 😋😋😎 which doesn't surprise me 😂

Question given I really prefer Naga /Scorpion flavours can anyone suggest a Douglah cross/Hybrid that I may enjoy............ 🤔

Troy's BBM I reckon is top of the list but how "Douglah" does it taste..........?

Any andvother suggestions most welcome 🙂
Hi Guy's

If I understand it correctly there are all manner of Douglah crosses.......?

Big black mama
Scorpion x Douglah
Sepia serpent ..........to name a few and then there's crosses of crosses with Douglah ancestry ! Hellboy for example.

I grew the Douglah last year Wow ! 🥵 I couldn't have asked for a better chilli pepper the heat was spectacular ! :thumbsup:😎 and it grew huge pod's in my wee greenhouse :thumbsup:

However I didn't like the flavour 🥺 😢😭

As I understand it all the Douglah hybrids are exceptionally hot ! 😋😋😎 which doesn't surprise me 😂

Question given I really prefer Naga /Scorpion flavours can anyone suggest a Douglah cross/Hybrid that I may enjoy............ 🤔

Troy's BBM I reckon is top of the list but how "Douglah" does it taste..........?

Any andvother suggestions most welcome 🙂
There's a cross i have somewhere that's called Douglah Peachy. Never grew out but maybe you'll like it
my only experience is with chocolate bhutlah several years ago; first superhot i grew besides ghost.

i dehydrated and ground them all up into a powder.

it is damn hot and quite tasty if you like the "brown" flavour profile.
I used to grow red and brown bhutlahs. I don't think they're in any way close to a douglah. I do remember one 5" red bhutlah that kicked my ass bigtime. I sliced it up for a salad and it put me down, On the floor in a ball with the worst cramps ever. Thank the lord my wife is so smart and intuitive. She went and got me a handful of the big fruit flavor antacid tabs from wally's and said, "eat them now you big dummy" I did and it cured me quick. Great discovery. It works every time.
I grew the BBM a few years ago. It was a bushy and productive plant. The pods were gnarly and bumpy looking. The flavor on mine was a somewhat floral chinense taste.

The PDN x Douglah 2.3 is an interesting one. It looks and tastes nothing like a Douglah at all. These ripen to a light peach color, and the ones I tried only had about Habanero level heat. A couple of the pods had hints of honeydew melon and slight floral underneath the mild chinense flavor. So that was a bit different and interesting. Apart from that, they mostly just had a light, clean chinense flavor, similar to a white Fatalii or other white chinense type. I might work that one into my grow at some point, to see what future generations might produce.