7 Pot Peach fast to pod?

They were packed so tightly, I did not even notice flowering had started.  This AM, was transplanting from solo cup to 5 gallon pots.  Saw some flower on a couple plants and then to my surprise, the first signs of pods on a couple of the plants.  It seems very fast.  Maybe a bit over two months from seed to pod at about 80 degrees with 24 hour HPS n MH.

None other than the 7 Pot Peach did the same.  In fact, most of the 7 Pot Peach aren't moving as fast as the ones showing tiny pods. 

Thoughts?  Right now I am thinking magic pepper fairy dust.

Ive had Jalapenos fruit a month in, the pods had no heat.  Later fruit was normal.  Could be stress.
p.s.- death to solo cups.
Topsmoke, well then you will be happy to know I am gradually moving from solo cup to squares that fit standard trays.  Not doing it all at once, switched to the squares and plug trays because it looks better for the plants we offer for sale, more standard.  As the solo cups break cause I am a clutz, I use the squares.
Would the ones flowering be the ones that are also under HPS? Two months doesn't seem so out of ordinary for the temps and lighting you're running. Can force just about anything to flower in correct conditions, light cycles ect. 
D3Monic, till I re-potted they were right about where the HPS and MH cross.  Did some goofing around with 24 hour lighting to see if I could shorten hardening off last year, but never had it part of a life cycle.  I think you might be right, that if grown under 24 hours lighting they will mature faster.  Kind of makes sense if they don't need darkness, seems they dont.

I doubt the math is this perfect, but maybe a two month old plant grown under 24 hour lights is the maturity of a 4 month old plant under 12 hour lights.  Again, doubt it is that perfect but thinking it is something along those lines.
Over the last 2 years, i've read several posts where pepper seedlings start flowering at an unusually young/small point in their growth --about 2 months of age, and as small as 4" tall.

The only species that' i've read about in these posts have been Capsicum annuum and C. chinense --but this may be because they are the two most popular species.

The one thing all these occurences had in common was that there was little or no difference between their daytime and nighttime temperatures.

I haven't encountered this phenomenon personally, but if i had a breeding program involving several generations, i suppose it would be a helpful time-saving technique... however it is the opinion of many folk that inducing early fruitset might seriously stunt the plants' growth and reduce your net yield of fruit.

Early on in my research of pepper cultivation, i read somewhere that 24 hours/day of light is bad for peppers, but only in one website -- and it was very vague about this.

As you can see, i know nothing about this but what others have told me... and the info/hearsay i have to offer seems to differ from what you've observed. Nonetheless, i hope it helps.

That your plants should behave like this where they are getting both MH and HPS is interesting. What would be intriguing is to find out if a plant lit from 2 sides would consistently behave like this whether it's 2 MH lamps, 2HPS lamps, or 1 of each. If any 2 lamps produce early-fruiting plants, then another technique that might work would be to filter out much of the far-red light. I don't have the facilities to do this, but i'm fascinated.
Never had superhots pod that quickly, but I was clipping pods off bells, cayenne, and jalapenos for a couple months last year before plant out.
BTW, 16 on, 8 off under fluorescent.
I just today found the start of some flowers on a Medusa Im growing as a gift, the plant is only a month old and 4in high. Its sister is right next to it and has nothing, so who knows.
Havent gotten 7 pot to pod status yet. First year growing a few for more. I will say they germinated and sprouted faster than the other 5 pepper types I planted. It was 4-5 days to sprout. The 7 pot Orange that is. 
EvanWilliams1988 said:
Is it just the Solo brand,or,all plastic cups? Why?
LOL bottomline, plastic cups make crap pots  because they're not designed for it. Plastic nursery trays are cheap and there are even cheaper methods available like soil blocks.
Topsmoke, I started using solo cups a million years ago cause I am dish washer in chief who couldnt convince the kids to use the same cup twice during a one hour period.  Drove me crazy to see all that trash.  Switching to square pots because they make much better use of space.  But gotta share that thus far I have not given up on 2 liter pop bottles,  They take up just a wee bit more horizontal space than a solo cup or 3" pot but you get all that depth.
Topsmoke said:
LOL bottomline, plastic cups make crap pots  because they're not designed for it. Plastic nursery trays are cheap and there are even cheaper methods available like soil blocks.
Thanks man. Guess I interpreted your post a little differently. My bad bud.
Topsmoke said:
LOL bottomline, plastic cups make crap pots  because they're not designed for it. Plastic nursery trays are cheap and there are even cheaper methods available like soil blocks.
Thanks man. Guess I interpreted your post a little differently. My bad bud.
ajdrew said:
 gotta share that thus far I have not given up on 2 liter pop bottles,
Haven't used them so i cant speak on the matter.  just know from personal experience you get a lot of problems from solo cups.  Did you mean 1 liter cause arent 2 liter bottles like 6in across?
EvanWilliams1988 said:
Thanks man. Guess I interpreted your post a little differently. My bad bud.
  "Solo Cups ruined my life! Cost me me my career, my house, my wife and poisoned my dog, DAMN YOU SOLO CUPS!!!!   :mad:
Topsmoke said:
Haven't used them so i cant speak on the matter.  just know from personal experience you get a lot of problems from solo cups.  Did you mean 1 liter cause arent 2 liter bottles like 6in across?
  "Solo Cups ruined my life! Cost me me my career, my house, my wife and poisoned my dog, DAMN YOU SOLO CUPS!!!!   :mad:
Depends on what you put in them ha ha.
I have a seedling that is only a month old.  pimente de breese (spelling) and it already has several flowers on it. sprouted on 1-13