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7 Pot Yellow X 7 Pot Douglah

I been thinking about this cross but don't know much about it other then being crazy hot .
so I was wondering has anyone grown this one?
So is it a stable cross or still producing unknowns? I would assume some sort of Caramel like pod ?? Or a slightly gnarly yellow pod would be the aim of the pod ?
Thank you midwestchilehead any ideal what the flavor profile is like?
KrakenPeppers I think it is unstable & is yellow but there maybe some variation .
I am still fairly new to superhots grew a red ghost in 2014 & Judy's Peach SS ghost this year that's the only supers I've grown .
So was looking to try something different .
Plantguy76, I don't think I actually tasted it. I usually taste all the superhots I grow, but I was harvesting seeds from this bad boy at the end of a run of superhots and my mouth couldn't take any more. :fireball: I suspect it tastes like a 7 Pot Yellow with a little extra kick. 
midwestchilehead said:
Plantguy76, I don't think I actually tasted it. I usually taste all the superhots I grow, but I was harvesting seeds from this bad boy at the end of a run of superhots and my mouth couldn't take any more. :fireball: I suspect it tastes like a 7 Pot Yellow with a little extra kick. 
Lol. It's like you've told my story. I always take a little sliver and taste all the peppers when I process/deseed them for the freezer. And I have had that moment a few times lol.

You get to a point where you're like "damn, I'm not sure I can even taste anything right now because my mouth/tongue are lit up."
midwestchilehead said:
I grew it this year. Cool looking big, yellow hot pods with a tail.
Very cool looking.