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7 Pot Yellow x Fatalii

Noticed a pod on my 7 Pot Yellow x Fatalii (F1) cross ripening nicely:

So I brought it home and ate it:



Was hotter than my Y7 x Bonda cross, guess I should have predicted that since the Fatalii is hotter itself. The taste on this one was fantastic, like a Fatalii but with some richness and more depth of flavor from the Y7, has a great aroma. Felt it in my stomach pretty soon after just a few nibbles and the heat was building and lingering to a point, more of a front of mouth burn, nothing in the throat really. A hot one with great taste... a keeper.

For 2013:
I like the combination of traits on this one :dance:

I hope I'll find a few like this in the F2 grow too... but really with its parentage, whatever appears should be just fine, a little more Y7 or a little more Fatalii... whatever ;)