A great Birdseye-type from Gabu, Guinea-Bissau.

This is another one from Joe Delaney. You are doing good pepper work, my friend!
This is a C.annuum collected in Gabu, in the eastern province of of Guinea-Bissau, Western Africa.
Another African birdseye pepper, but with a few wrinkles. The aroma is very much C.annuum, but with fruity undercurrents and a touch of black pepper. The flavor is really nice. Very much straight up C.annuum, but with a really lovely saltiness that accentuates the flavors beautifully. There is a tiny amount of sweetness and a good amount of fruitiness that leads to a very balanced, delicious flavor profile.
The heat is very typical annuum - spiky, stingy and there`s quite a bit of it, too. These are similar in heat to Tepins, which is starting to get up there for the case of C.annuums.
good one :onfire:
annums usually aren't my favorite but this was interesting, never heard of this one before, looks a lot like the "Chunpepe"  i sent you a little while back however the Chunpepe was a frutescens and i think it was a little bigger
thanks your friend Joe
Great review!
Bird peppers are my favs for everyday use and instant kick, if you need more heat you can always sprinkle a couple more ;) they're always massive producers.

