chinense A Landrace C.chinense from Sierra Leone, Africa.

A Landrace pepper from Sierra Leone. This one was found in Kroo Town Street Market in the capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown. Another great West African pepper sent to me by Joe Delaney. 
The aroma is all straight ahead chinense, with slight fruit notes. The flavor is also very straight ahead C.chinense, with aspects of sweetness and fruitiness. There is an undercurrent of black pepper flavor in an astringent way. This is another African pepper that was quite different in flavour to most C.chinense I`ve had. It really is a delicious one and well worth seeking out seeds.
The heat is another slow-onset type, but quite aggressive and biting. It sits on your tongue and is relatively painful for a pepper that is roughly half as hot as a habanero.
Nice review Nigel, a particular chinense type for both shape and seeds number.
Anyone has shots/info of the plant? Got seeds for this one as well :)