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A Little Cayenne Harvest

I felt the need to harvest a few cayenne peppers today to add to my red pepper powder. I expected 3 or 4 but.. I found myself with a few more :)

I really like the 'Crimson Torpedo' ones. Good flavor and quite large.


Only debate now is to remove the seeds before grinding them up or not. I like the heat from keeping the seeds in, but I love the color and pure flavor of deseeding them. Decisions decisions.

And contrary to popular belief, the heat ain't actually in the seeds... it's in the placenta (the white stuff) that the seeds are attached to. If you spend a little extra effort carefully removing the seeds without taking too much of the placenta, you needn't worry that you will take away any heat. ;)
You could always do a set of both. put it to the test. Better with, or without. And always seed a few for next season if you liked the plant this year. Trial and error has worked well for me.
Great looking peppers by the way! I love cayennes for sauce bases and to eat stuffed in chicken breast.
I have such a busy work night browsing the forum.. har har.

I won't be saving seeds from my cayennes this year because I (unexpectedly) ran out of garden space and had to put plants waaay too close together, so cross-polination may be an issue. Just as well though.

I made 2 batches of seasoning powder, and topped 3 straight meals with em. Burgers, hotdogs, and even ramen noodles! Hopefully the plants continue being so prolific, because I have a feeling I'll be going through a lot of the stuff. :)

Tomorrow's taste test will include the Pueblo grinder. Figure chicken will be a perfect meat for it. My stove is quickly becoming clustered with different pepper seasonings. The coffee grinder I'm using will never be used for coffee, lol.
I had lots of cayennes last year and did both ways. I made a superfine powder with no seeds with the coffee grinder and also a big batch of flakes with seeds in it (like you see in the pizza places). I am glad I have both because they can be used for different purposes. They are really hot and everyone in the house was blinded and had quite a caughing spell. Fun times.