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A problem in Aeroponic peppers - stopped Root and slow veg

Hey Guys,

So I have a small or rather BIG problem.

Root mass stopped growing and top part growing slow ( under 200W of Full spectrum LED).

2 Days Ago I changed nutes formula and added GHE BioRoots stimulator.

Here are photos.

scrub the tub and anything internal, check for any clogs in the spray nozzles, go to straight water with a capful of hydrogen peroxide for a few days. hope this helps cheers!!
Calcium is pretty good for plants actually, but will clogs pumps, hoses, and spray tips. Is the flow of water OK thru the system? We have hard water here in New Mexico also.
21c is a little low for good growth, but not horrible 24-26c would be optimal. Your ph is spot on I like the idea of flushing for a couple days and treating with hydrogen peroxide. I also agree with Voodoo about checking your flow, they look a little dry. 
Best of luck, hope you figure it out!
From what I checked all nozzles and flow is ok.

In next week I changing system to ultraponics on Dry-fog nozzles (like those from Monster Garden, but got them from china).

And those nozzles are very hard to clog ( or not real to clog).

Probably next month I'll buy 1-2x 315W CDM lights. And construct Light mover.