food A Right Good Curry!

Not a great day today. The missus stayed at home and made me do the housework with her. About half way through the morning I was wrestling with the vacuum cleaner and couldn't get it to switch on. Imagine the shame when I had to ask her how to turn on the vacuum. What a stoopid place to put the switch, next to the foot pedal?
Anyway, I decided to try and redeem myself by cooking up a decent curry :dance:

But it started off badly. I was aiming for a comfortable heat level for the missus, to try and schmooze her a bit. I stuck in some Thai Chili paste that we found while cleaning out the pantry, I'd forgotten just how hot it was.

So she comes into the kitchen about an hour into the cooking, and tries the curry. She pulls this face like she's eaten a bad scallop and starts whining. She's skullking around the kitchen with a face like a robber's dog, so I figure I better try and fix it. So I diced up a half of a sweet potato and dropped it in the curry. Voila, after about 20 minutes the sweet potato is cooked and some of the heat has gone, and I figure she can handle it.

Of course, she wouldn't admit that it was any better. She's still trying to make me feel bad about the vacuum cleaner incident. :rofl:'s a good old chicken curry dish....I set the table and tried to make it all purty lookin...


Cooked the boneless / skinless chicken thighs on the grill, after marinating them for a couple hours in coriander powder, garam marsala, paprika, cilantro and thai chile paste.....


Made the Curry with plenty of fresh veggies.......tomato, onion, cilantro, red bell pepper, habanero, garlic etc....used my custom Indian powder blend which is like a kicked-up garam marsala.....I use cumin seeds, turmeric, corainder powder, cardomon pods, fenugreek leaves, hot chile powder, paprika, curry powder, black pepper, sea salt, methi seeds, mustard seeds....

Served with a basmati rice....I like to cook the rice with a half an onion, really picks up the onion flavor....otherwise I'm a real purist about my basmati...I just like to leave it alone...

Made a cucumber and yoghurt dipping sauce...used a good pinch of the hot spice blend, juice from a half of lime, cilantro, greek yoghurt, diced cucumber, salt and pepper....the nan bread was out of a packet...really good though :)


So I Like to take the nan bread, smear a layer of the cucumber sauce, add some lettuce, tomato, onion, red bell pepper, some of the grilled chicken, then kick it up with a ton of Heartbreaking Dawns 1841 which is brilliant...goes well with anything/everything!! I fold that puppy up like a gyro and stuff it in my face...yeah baby!!


So the strife won't admit anything is good, still sulking about the vacuum cleaner......I ask her what she thought of the curry and she say's "it's interesting".....anyone who says that about your food needs to be thrown out into the street, pronto. 'course ya can't do that with the strife 'cos she owns half yer pepper collection and hot sauce etc....
So I just played it down and ate humble pie (curry).
I had to laugh 'cos I took a picture of her empty plate, and though she left a bit of rice, you can clearly see the tongue marks going through my "interesting" curry sauce !! HA


So i figure I'm too stoopid to use a vacuum cleaner but I can knock together a decent curry.....which would you rather have, a clean carpet or a happy tummy??!!

Yeah baby :dance:
Some of the best nan I've had came from a freezer packet.
Good job on the curry. I was on a big Thai curry kick for
a while and need to do up a good paste again. We have a
stone mortar and pestle which we purchased from a local
Asian store and I like to pound up a curry paste from
scratch. Mmmmmm curry. I may have to rethink our dinner
plans now...
Awesome dinner. Love the raita to cool down the heat.
You should make or try Keema Naan bread. Its amazing. Its naan bread stuffed with a lamb mix. I also reccomend makeing a hot chilli chicken balti or a Vindaloo
You should make or try Keema Naan bread. Its amazing. Its naan bread stuffed with a lamb mix. I also reccomend makeing a hot chilli chicken balti or a Vindaloo
I love Keema Naan, I'd eat that a lot when I was back home in the UK. Nowadays I don't have access to a good Indian restaurant where I live, so I have to make all my own Indian food.....I haven't been able to find a store-bought Keema Naan locally, and it's just too much messing to make my own. But I do miss it for sure! ~ (note to self - I should probably find some online)
Awesome looking meal rooze.

You're just a couple plates and a phone call short. :lol:
I love Keema Naan, I'd eat that a lot when I was back home in the UK. Nowadays I don't have access to a good Indian restaurant where I live, so I have to make all my own Indian food.....I haven't been able to find a store-bought Keema Naan locally, and it's just too much messing to make my own. But I do miss it for sure! ~ (note to self - I should probably find some online)

Well I am from Devon originally and we had some damn good Indian there. I don't have any Indian restaurants where I live either so make all my own. I normally make about 10-20 Keema naans then freeze them.