soil A soil mix that I will be using, more or less

At the risk of being flamed and ridiculed, although I hope that that is not the case, I decided to post the mix of soil and additives/fertilizers that I will be going to once my plants are ready for it.  I know that this is a hot mix, and it is a mix primarily used by growers of another sort, but this mix, almost to the T is what I have had the best results with.  I am looking for advice, comments, criticism, and ideas from you guys and gals, on how this specific mix should be tweaked and perfected.  After all, the goal of this forum is to make everyone a better grower right?  Here, have at it:
1.5 CU Ft of Kellogg's patio plus
1 cup of fishbone meal brand Down to Earth
1/2 cup of Iron- Sulfur brand FST
1/2 cup of Kelp meal brand Down to Earth
1 cup of Alfalfa meal brand Down to Earth
1 cup of Greensand brand EB Stone
1 cup of Dolomite Lime brand EB Stone
1 cup of Oyster Shells brand Down to Earth
1 cup Seabird Guano brand Sun
1 cup of Humic Acids brand Down to Earth
1/4 cup of Azomite brand Down to Earth
1/2 cup of Crab meal brand Down to Earth
1/2 cup of Neem seed meal brand Down to Earth
10lbs of worm castings my worm farm
2 liters of perlite
1/2 cup of gypsum
Your making a super soil mix.   It needs to sit and cook for at least 60 days.  I would suggest making a soil mix with peat moss, perlite, pro mix, and old soil if you have it or new soil bags.  I would then take those nutes and brew tea with them. 
juanitos said:
so seems like you would yield 2 cu ft from that mix?
wonder what the cost is, seems very high.
This is a very valid point.  When I bought all this stuff a few years ago money wasn't an issue.  I hadn't checked the prices on the individual nutes before making my post.  I am going to try to find a pre-mix that has at least most of what I want, and then supplement some of the rest.